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Gold prices have conquered $2010 and hit a six-month high, Oversupply expectations cover the oil market, Oil prices continue to be under pressure before the OPEC+meeting

Gold prices have conquered $2010 and hit a six-month high, Oversupply expectations cover the oil market, Oil prices continue to be under pressure before the OPEC+meeting

Gold prices have conquered $2010 and hit a six-month high, Oversupply expectations cover the oil market, Oil prices continue to be under pressure before the OPEC+meeting

2023-11-28 15:31
The weak US data has ended the interest rate hike cycle, and gold bulls are unstoppable

The weak US data has ended the interest rate hike cycle, and gold bulls are unstoppable

On Friday (November 24th), gold prices broke through $2000 per ounce, and there were almost no trading leads during the US market holiday. The focus now is on upcoming business activity data to find more clues about the world's largest economy. Gold has risen for the second consecutive week, and the market is increasingly convinced that the Federal Reserve has completed its interest rate hike.

2023-11-27 13:49
The US dollar weakened, while gold slightly rose during Thanksgiving OPEC+postpones meeting, oil prices continue to decline

The US dollar weakened, while gold slightly rose during Thanksgiving OPEC+postpones meeting, oil prices continue to decline

The US dollar weakened, while gold slightly rose during Thanksgiving OPEC+postpones meeting, oil prices continue to decline

2023-11-24 14:17
Market trading is light before Thanksgiving holiday Initial application and other data support the rebound in US dollar and US bond yields

Market trading is light before Thanksgiving holiday Initial application and other data support the rebound in US dollar and US bond yields

Market trading is light before Thanksgiving holiday Initial application and other data support the rebound in US dollar and US bond yields

2023-11-23 14:44
The minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting have limited impact on precious metals, with long and short vying for the 2000 level;

The minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting have limited impact on precious metals, with long and short vying for the 2000 level;

The minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting have limited impact on precious metals, with long and short vying for the 2000 level;

2023-11-22 16:14
Weak US inflation data Market expected the Fed interest rates approaching to the peak The US dollar kept felling

Weak US inflation data Market expected the Fed interest rates approaching to the peak The US dollar kept felling

Weak US inflation data Market expected the Fed interest rates approaching to the peak The US dollar kept felling

2023-11-21 14:03
US PPI data hit a new low in nearly 8 months The decline in inflation has increased expectations that the Federal Reserve has already completed interest rate hikes

US PPI data hit a new low in nearly 8 months The decline in inflation has increased expectations that the Federal Reserve has already completed interest rate hikes

US PPI data hit a new low in nearly 8 months The decline in inflation has increased expectations that the Federal Reserve has already completed interest rate hikes

2023-11-16 13:57
US CPI data falls short of expectations and US dollar index plummets Gold rebounded to a new week high

US CPI data falls short of expectations and US dollar index plummets Gold rebounded to a new week high

US CPI data falls short of expectations and US dollar index plummets Gold rebounded to a new week high

2023-11-15 15:04
Gold rebounded due to the weakness of the US dollar, while oil prices rebounded to stop three weeks of continuous decline

Gold rebounded due to the weakness of the US dollar, while oil prices rebounded to stop three weeks of continuous decline

Gold rebounded due to the weakness of the US dollar, while oil prices rebounded to stop three weeks of continuous decline

2023-11-14 13:58
CWG Markets Enhances Market Presence with London Stock Exchange Membership

CWG Markets Enhances Market Presence with London Stock Exchange Membership

CWG, a leading financial services provider, is proud to announce its latest milestone in its ongoing commitment to growth and expansion within the financial markets.

2023-11-13 17:36
The rise of the US dollar is hindered Gold is weak and difficult to change

The rise of the US dollar is hindered Gold is weak and difficult to change

The rise of the US dollar is hindered Gold is weak and difficult to change

2023-11-13 13:46
Powell's speech maintains hawkish tone The US dollar continues to strengthen, gold rebounded stably

Powell's speech maintains hawkish tone The US dollar continues to strengthen, gold rebounded stably

Powell's speech maintains hawkish tone The US dollar continues to strengthen, gold rebounded stably

2023-11-10 11:43
The rise of the US dollar has been hindered and the price of geopolitical risks has fallen due to consolidation Gold prices have fallen three times in a row to a new low in the past three weeks On Wednesday (November 8th), the US dollar rebounded for the third consecutive day, after some Federal Reserve policymakers opened the door for further interest rate hikes, and traders were also paying attention to Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's speech on the Fed's future policy path. After the Federal

The rise of the US dollar has been hindered and the price of geopolitical risks has fallen due to consolidation Gold prices have fallen three times in a row to a new low in the past three weeks On Wednesday (November 8th), the US dollar rebounded for the third consecutive day, after some Federal Reserve policymakers opened the door for further interest rate hikes, and traders were also paying attention to Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's speech on the Fed's future policy path. After the Federal

The rise of the US dollar has been hindered and the price of geopolitical risks has fallen due to consolidation Gold prices have fallen three times in a row to a new low in the past three weeks On Wednesday (November 8th), the US dollar rebounded for the third consecutive day, after some Federal Reserve policymakers opened the door for further interest rate hikes, and traders were also paying attention to Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's speech on the Fed's future policy path. After the Federal

2023-11-09 14:34
The US dollar rose, world stock markets regained ground, and Wall Street stock markets soared; Several Federal Reserve officials delivered hawkish speeches, causing gold prices to fall to a new low in nearly two weeks

The US dollar rose, world stock markets regained ground, and Wall Street stock markets soared; Several Federal Reserve officials delivered hawkish speeches, causing gold prices to fall to a new low in nearly two weeks

The US dollar rose, world stock markets regained ground, and Wall Street stock markets soared; Several Federal Reserve officials delivered hawkish speeches, causing gold prices to fall to a new low in nearly two weeks

2023-11-08 16:25
The US dollar was basically flat, buffered by depressed market sentiment and rising US bond yields Gold pressure reduction and consolidation

The US dollar was basically flat, buffered by depressed market sentiment and rising US bond yields Gold pressure reduction and consolidation

The US dollar was basically flat, buffered by depressed market sentiment and rising US bond yields Gold pressure reduction and consolidation

2023-11-07 18:03
Risk appetite rebounded after the Federal Reserve's decision, leading to a rise in US stock markets Waiting for tonight's employment report

Risk appetite rebounded after the Federal Reserve's decision, leading to a rise in US stock markets Waiting for tonight's employment report

Risk appetite rebounded after the Federal Reserve's decision, leading to a rise in US stock markets Waiting for tonight's employment report

2023-11-03 14:15
Expected heating up at the end of the interest rate hike cycle US bond yields hit a two-week low The gold market still faces pressure

Expected heating up at the end of the interest rate hike cycle US bond yields hit a two-week low The gold market still faces pressure

Expected heating up at the end of the interest rate hike cycle US bond yields hit a two-week low The gold market still faces pressure

2023-11-02 14:00
The Bank of Japan continued to loosen, and the yen plummeted to its lowest level in 2023; The US dollar rose, while gold surged and retreated

The Bank of Japan continued to loosen, and the yen plummeted to its lowest level in 2023; The US dollar rose, while gold surged and retreated

The Bank of Japan continued to loosen, and the yen plummeted to its lowest level in 2023; The US dollar rose, while gold surged and retreated

2023-11-02 11:33
The situation in the Middle East is getting better, and crude oil fell by 3% to a new low in nearly three weeks Gold futures hold the $2,000 level and await trial by the Federal Reserve's resolution

The situation in the Middle East is getting better, and crude oil fell by 3% to a new low in nearly three weeks Gold futures hold the $2,000 level and await trial by the Federal Reserve's resolution

The situation in the Middle East is getting better, and crude oil fell by 3% to a new low in nearly three weeks Gold futures hold the $2,000 level and await trial by the Federal Reserve's resolution

2023-10-31 14:44
Israel Expands Ground Activities Gold prices surged above $2,000, but the rise of the US dollar was hindered

Israel Expands Ground Activities Gold prices surged above $2,000, but the rise of the US dollar was hindered

Israel Expands Ground Activities Gold prices surged above $2,000, but the rise of the US dollar was hindered

2023-10-30 16:05
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