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Scam Alert
How to Use Stop Loss Orders?

How to Use Stop Loss Orders?

In forex trading, understanding and managing risk is paramount to success. One powerful tool that traders have is the "stop loss order."

2023-11-28 11:17
Italy's CONSOB Shuts 977 FX, Crypto Sites in Italy

Italy's CONSOB Shuts 977 FX, Crypto Sites in Italy

Italy's CONSOB blocks 977 FX and crypto domains, safeguarding investors from unlicensed, fraudulent financial services.

2023-11-24 17:28
PH SEC Warns OCTAFX for Unauthorized Firm

PH SEC Warns OCTAFX for Unauthorized Firm

Philippine SEC warns against OCTAFX/OCTA TRADING, an unregistered firm targeting Filipino investors. Learn about the legal risks, lack of registration, and potential penalties.

2023-11-24 15:00
Empowering Traders Through Transparency: Explore, Compare, and Conquer with WikiFX!

Empowering Traders Through Transparency: Explore, Compare, and Conquer with WikiFX!

In the fast-paced world of financial markets, finding a reliable and transparent broker is the key to a successful trading journey.

2023-11-24 11:31
Alpha Capital Group is a red flag

Alpha Capital Group is a red flag

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) of the United Kingdom issued a warning against Alpha Capital Group. The authority said this firm may be providing or promoting financial services or products without our permission. Here are the details of this unauthorised firm.

2023-11-23 10:08
Expotoro Is A Clone of eToro!

Expotoro Is A Clone of eToro!

The discovery of Expotoro posing as eToro sheds light on the alarming prevalence of cloned firms, emphasizing the need for protective tools like WikiFX's mobile app to shield investors from fraudulent entities in the financial markets.

2023-11-22 16:41
Mohamad Ibrahim, CEO of, Stops Salary Payments to Asian Staff

Mohamad Ibrahim, CEO of, Stops Salary Payments to Asian Staff

An investigation for the allegations against's CEO, Mohamad Ibrahim, for halting salary payments to Asian and African employees. It details Ibrahim's professional background, employee grievances, and the company's controversial responses, exploring the impact on's reputation and the wider fintech industry. The report emphasizes the importance of ethical leadership and corporate accountability.

2023-11-21 15:42
Alert: OspreyFX Unexpected Account Locked & Server Issues

Alert: OspreyFX Unexpected Account Locked & Server Issues

Beware of the challenges faced by OspreyFX users, including account lockouts, login issues, and withdrawal limits, in this insightful article. Learn about the risks of unregulated online trading platforms and discover key steps for safe trading.

2023-11-21 12:27
CONSOB Cracks Down on 5 Illegal Financial Websites

CONSOB Cracks Down on 5 Illegal Financial Websites

The Italian financial regulator CONSOB has recently blacked out five websites offering illegal financial services, as part of its mission to combat financial fraud and protect investors. This action brings the total number of blocked sites to 970 since July 2019, when CONSOB received the power to shut down fraudulent financial websites. The regulator emphasizes the importance of investor diligence and verification of financial service providers' authorization to maintain a safe and transparent financial environment in Italy.

2023-11-20 17:32
PH SEC Warned ARCANE DIGITAL MARKETING for Unauthorized Investment Activities

PH SEC Warned ARCANE DIGITAL MARKETING for Unauthorized Investment Activities

The Philippine Securities Commission has warned against ARCANE DIGITAL MARKETING for conducting unauthorized investment activities. The company, which operates online, entices public investments with promises of 12% to 45% profits in 45 days on a minimum investment of Php1,000.00. These activities, resembling securities under the Howey Test, are unregistered and illegal. ARCANE DIGITAL MARKETING is not a registered corporation or partnership and lacks legal authorization for such activities, violating the Securities Regulation Code. The public is advised against investing and to report suspicious activities.

2023-11-20 16:56
FCA Issues Urgent Warning Against eToro Clone Scam

FCA Issues Urgent Warning Against eToro Clone Scam

Urgent warning from the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) about Expotoro a clone scam broker of eToro. The public is advised to be vigilant against clone firms like Expotoro, Tratoro, and PayBack Toro, which pose significant financial risks. The FCA emphasizes the importance of verifying firms' legitimacy to ensure consumer protection against these sophisticated financial scams.

2023-11-20 13:42
Wedbush Securities Inc. Settles for $350,000 Fine with FINRA Over Unauthorized Wire Transfers

Wedbush Securities Inc. Settles for $350,000 Fine with FINRA Over Unauthorized Wire Transfers

Wedbush Securities Inc. has settled with FINRA for a $350,000 fine after a cyber fraud incident involving unauthorized wire transfers of over $6.6 million. The breach, occurring between January 27 and February 4, 2021, was due to a hacked email of a representative from a correspondent firm. FINRA's investigation highlighted Wedbush's failure in due diligence and verification processes. The firm has since reimbursed affected customers, updated its supervisory procedures, and committed to enhanced cybersecurity measures to protect client assets.

2023-11-17 18:01
SEC Takes Action Against Algorithmic Trading Fraud Involving Over $1.5 Million

SEC Takes Action Against Algorithmic Trading Fraud Involving Over $1.5 Million

The SEC charged Matthew Melton with fraud, alleging he misled investors about his algorithmic trading scheme, collecting over $3.4 million. Melton claimed his algorithm could generate 12% monthly returns but was unprofitable, misusing over $1.5 million for personal expenses and Ponzi-like payments.

2023-11-17 16:06
PH SEC Warns Against Fraudulent Valero Energy Corporation Philippines Investment Scam

PH SEC Warns Against Fraudulent Valero Energy Corporation Philippines Investment Scam

Alerting the public about the fraudulent activities of 'Valero Energy Corporation Philippines', an impostor of the legitimate Valero Energy Corporation. The entity, unauthorized by the PH SEC, offers misleading investment plans through social media and a website, posing serious legal risks. The SEC strongly advises against investing in their schemes and warns of severe penalties for those promoting or participating in this scam.

2023-11-16 18:30
Court Decision Unfreezes $100 Million in My Forex Funds Assets Amidst CFTC Lawsuit

Court Decision Unfreezes $100 Million in My Forex Funds Assets Amidst CFTC Lawsuit

Key legal developments in the My Forex Funds vs. CFTC case, including the unfreezing of $100 million in assets. Insights into regulatory challenges for prop trading firms.

2023-11-16 16:47
ICT Market 24 impersonates IG Markets

ICT Market 24 impersonates IG Markets

ICT Market 24 impersonates IG Markets

2023-11-16 12:14
UK Financial Authority FCA Issues Alert on PU Prime Regulatory Status

UK Financial Authority FCA Issues Alert on PU Prime Regulatory Status

Stay informed about PU Prime's unregulated status in the UK financial market. Learn why the FCA's warnings matter and how to protect your investments from potential risks.

2023-11-15 17:32
Australia's Latest Investor Alert: ASIC Flags 26 Unlicensed Financial Entities

Australia's Latest Investor Alert: ASIC Flags 26 Unlicensed Financial Entities

Stay informed with ASIC's latest Investor Alert List update, highlighting 26 unlicensed entities in Australia. This essential guide helps investors identify potentially fraudulent financial companies and individuals, ensuring safe investment practices. Learn more about ASIC's role in protecting investors and maintaining market integrity in our comprehensive article.

2023-11-15 16:50
Seychelles FSA Issues Warnings Against Unauthorized Brokers FXNess and AvanTrade

Seychelles FSA Issues Warnings Against Unauthorized Brokers FXNess and AvanTrade

The Seychelles Financial Services Authority warns against unauthorized brokers FXNess and AvanTrade, advising public caution and due diligence in verifying regulatory status before transactions. This alert highlights the importance of ensuring financial safety and avoiding scams in the investment sector.

2023-11-15 16:30
KOT4X Exaggerated Guaranteed Profit - Legit or a Trap?

KOT4X Exaggerated Guaranteed Profit - Legit or a Trap?

Is Weekend Special Promo of KOT4X's Guaranteed Profit Offer Legit or a Scam? Uncover the truth about exaggerated promises, regulatory discrepancies, and negative reviews in the world of online trading.

2023-11-14 17:23
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