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MHMarkets:November 27, 2023,--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 27, 2023,--Fundamental Reminder

Last Friday, the U.S. dollar index shocked downward in the U.S. plate once fell to 103.35 intraday low, and finally closed down 0.32% at 103.41. 10-year U.S. bond yields closed at 4.472%; on the Fed's policy rate is more sensitive to the two-year U.S. bond yields stabilized above the 4.9%, and finally closed at 4.955%.

2023-11-27 19:11
MHMarkets:Affected by the US Thanksgiving holiday, the recent market trading was flat.

MHMarkets:Affected by the US Thanksgiving holiday, the recent market trading was flat.

In late trading on Friday (November 24) in Asia, due to the impact of the US Thanksgiving holiday, the recent market trading was flat. The US dollar index saw a slight consolidation yesterday, receiving support from below and rising, ultimately closing near the intraday high.

2023-11-24 18:16
MHMarkets:Positive US economic data spurred a short-term surge in the dollar index

MHMarkets:Positive US economic data spurred a short-term surge in the dollar index

At the end of the Asian market on Thursday (November 23),Yesterday, the US released a series of economic data, data showed that the US new orders for durable goods in October was 279.4 billion dollars, up 5.4% month on month, significantly better than the market expectation of -3.2%, the number of US initial jobless claims last week was 209,000, lower than the market expectation of 225,000 and the previous week's revised 233,000, The US consumer confidence index came in at 61.3 in November, abov

2023-11-23 17:58
MHMarkets:November 23, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 23, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

On Wednesday, the dollar index rebounded from a 2-1/2-month low, possibly on the view that the U.S. labor market was not cooling as quickly as expected. I

2023-11-23 17:55
MHMarkets:The Fed hinted that policies would need to remain “restrictive” due to concerns that inflation may stubbornly or modestly rise.

MHMarkets:The Fed hinted that policies would need to remain “restrictive” due to concerns that inflation may stubbornly or modestly rise.

At the end of the Asian market on Wednesday (November 22), the latest minutes of the November Fed meeting showed that the Fed hinted that policies would need to remain "restrictive" due to concerns that inflation may stubbornly or modestly rise.

2023-11-22 17:58
MHMarkets:November 22, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 22, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

The dollar index pared losses on Tuesday as the Fed minutes indicated it would maintain its restrictive policy for a long time. It fell as low as 103.17,

2023-11-22 17:55
MHMarkets:Fed's Balkin stated that this is not a great time to provide forward guidance on interest rates.

MHMarkets:Fed's Balkin stated that this is not a great time to provide forward guidance on interest rates.

At the end of the Asian market on Tuesday (November 21), according to CME's "Fed Watch", the probability of the Fed maintaining interest rates unchanged in the 5.25%-5.50% range in December is 99.8%, and the probability of a 25 basis point rate cut is 0.2%.

2023-11-21 18:56
MHMarkets:November 21, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 21, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

The dollar index extended its downward trend on Monday, falling as low as 103.37, a near two-month low, before ending down 0.31% at 103.49. Us Treasury yields fell first and then rose. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note closed at 4.426%; The yield on the two-year Treasury note, which is more sensitive to the Fed's policy rate, rose above 4.9% before closing at 4.919%.

2023-11-21 18:48
MHMarkets:The current market has basically ruled out the possibility that the Fed will raise interest rates further.

MHMarkets:The current market has basically ruled out the possibility that the Fed will raise interest rates further.

At the end of the Asian market on Friday (November 17), US Fed Chairman Loretta Mester stated in an interview with US media on the 16th that the Fed has made "significant progress" in curbing inflation and needs to see "more evidence that inflation is returning to the 2% (target) track in a timely manner" in the future.

2023-11-17 16:51
MHMarkets:November 17, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 17, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

On Thursday, unemployment data showed weakness in the labor market, reinforcing the view that the Fed is unlikely to raise interest rates further. The dollar index fell short term, approaching the 104 mark before recovering and finally closing near flat at 104.39. Treasury yields fell back to week lows. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note closed at 4.441%; The yield on the two-year Treasury note, which is more sensitive to the Fed's policy rate, closed at 4.85%.

2023-11-17 14:08
MHMarkets:US October retail sales decreased by 0.1% month on month, which was the first decline since March of this year.

MHMarkets:US October retail sales decreased by 0.1% month on month, which was the first decline since March of this year.

At the end of the Asian market on Thursday (November 16), the US Department of Commerce released data on the 15th local time, showing that US October retail sales decreased by 0.1% month on month, which was the first decline since March of this year.

2023-11-16 18:13
MHMarkets:November 16, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 16, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

On Wednesday, the dollar index recovered some ground, holding the 104 mark and finally closing up 0.317% at 104.4. Treasury yields turned higher intraday. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note closed at 4.543%; The yield on the two-year Treasury note, which is more sensitive to the Fed's policy rate, closed at 4.916%.

2023-11-16 18:01
MHMarkets:US inflation has cooled and the market expects the Fed's current round of rate hike to end.

MHMarkets:US inflation has cooled and the market expects the Fed's current round of rate hike to end.

At the end of the Asian market on Wednesday (November 15), data released by the US Department of Labor showed that the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) fell to 3.2% year-on-year in October from 3.7% last month, lower than the market's expected 3.3%.

2023-11-15 17:55
MHMarkets:November 15, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 15, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

On Tuesday, the Fed's interest rate rise was boosted by weaker-than-expected inflation data in the U.S. The dollar index fell to 104 for the first time since Sept. 1 and was last down 1.523% at 104.07.

2023-11-15 17:53
MHMarkets:Morgan Stanley economists predicted that the Fed would cut interest rates sharply over the next two years as inflation cooled.

MHMarkets:Morgan Stanley economists predicted that the Fed would cut interest rates sharply over the next two years as inflation cooled.

At the end of the Asian market on Tuesday (November 14), Morgan Stanley economists predicted that the Fed would cut interest rates sharply over the next two years as inflation cooled.

2023-11-14 17:52
MHMarkets:November 14, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 14, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

On Monday, the dollar index pushed the 106 mark before turning lower, ending down 0.132% at 105.68. U.S. Treasury yields retreated, with the 10-year yield closing at 4.64%; The yield on the two-year Treasury note, which is more sensitive to the Fed's policy rate, closed at 5.033%.

2023-11-14 17:43
MHMarkets:China reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasuries for the fifth consecutive month to the lowest size since 2009.

MHMarkets:China reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasuries for the fifth consecutive month to the lowest size since 2009.

At the end of the Asian market on Monday (November 13), Wells Fargo strategists wrote in a report: "Weak fiscal policy and weak economic performance have curbed the demand for US dollars and US treasury bond bonds.

2023-11-13 17:36
MHMarkets:Powell makes hawkish comments; The Fed will not hesitate to raise rates if appropriate.

MHMarkets:Powell makes hawkish comments; The Fed will not hesitate to raise rates if appropriate.

At the end of the Asian market on Friday (November 10), Fed Chairman Powell speaks during an International Monetary Fund (IMF) event on Nov. 9. Inflation has declined over the past year, but remains well above our 2% goal, Mr. Powell said.

2023-11-10 17:34
MHMarkets:November 10, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 10, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

On Thursday, the dollar index fell to session lows on fresh signs of labor-market weakness in U.S. unemployment data, then jumped closer to the 106 mark on Powell's hawkish remarks before closing up 0.36% at 105.91.

2023-11-10 17:27
MHMarkets:A debt crisis is coming! The "debt king" warns that the United States will enter an economic recession next year.

MHMarkets:A debt crisis is coming! The "debt king" warns that the United States will enter an economic recession next year.

At the end of the Asian market on Thursday (November 9), Jeff Gundlach, the "debt king", said in an interview yesterday that the US $33 trillion debt mountain is becoming increasingly worrisome.

2023-11-09 15:55
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