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How to Use Stop Loss Orders?

How to Use Stop Loss Orders?

In forex trading, understanding and managing risk is paramount to success. One powerful tool that traders have is the "stop loss order."

2023-11-28 11:17
What is The Best Time to Trade Forex?

What is The Best Time to Trade Forex?

Diving into the intricate world of foreign exchange (forex) trading, understanding the pivotal role of timing becomes paramount in capitalizing on the ever-shifting currency markets.

2023-11-24 18:35
PH SEC Warns OCTAFX for Unauthorized Firm

PH SEC Warns OCTAFX for Unauthorized Firm

Philippine SEC warns against OCTAFX/OCTA TRADING, an unregistered firm targeting Filipino investors. Learn about the legal risks, lack of registration, and potential penalties.

2023-11-24 15:00
Empowering Traders Through Transparency: Explore, Compare, and Conquer with WikiFX!

Empowering Traders Through Transparency: Explore, Compare, and Conquer with WikiFX!

In the fast-paced world of financial markets, finding a reliable and transparent broker is the key to a successful trading journey.

2023-11-24 11:31
5 Compelling Reasons to Follow Nasdaq-100

5 Compelling Reasons to Follow Nasdaq-100

Discover the top 5 reasons to follow Nasdaq-100, from global brands and innovation to performance, dividends, and ESG commitment. Invest wisely.

2023-11-23 17:31
Mastering FX Trading: The Power of Simplicity & Price Action

Mastering FX Trading: The Power of Simplicity & Price Action

In the quest for success in forex trading, many traders are drawn to the allure of complex indicators and strategies, akin to the search for the Holy Grail; however, seasoned experts argue that, in reality, the key to consistent profitability lies in a simpler approach—understanding price action.

2023-11-23 16:56
Why Raising Interest Rates Can Help Suppress Inflation?

Why Raising Interest Rates Can Help Suppress Inflation?

Over the past significant period, the United States has consistently implemented interest rate hikes with the aim of curbing inflation. Throughout this process, although the inflation data in the United States did not decrease rapidly, there was, at the very least, a containment of the upward trend. So, why does raising interest rates help control inflation?

2023-11-22 12:29
Wingo Markets Added New 1000 Trading Instruments And Features

Wingo Markets Added New 1000 Trading Instruments And Features

Discover how Wingo Markets is reshaping the forex landscape with a diverse range of over 1000 trading instruments, competitive pricing, and user-friendly tools. Whether you're a novice or seasoned trader, Wingo Markets empowers you to excel in the dynamic world of forex trading. Explore their innovative platform today.

2023-11-22 11:34
Mohamad Ibrahim, CEO of, Stops Salary Payments to Asian Staff

Mohamad Ibrahim, CEO of, Stops Salary Payments to Asian Staff

An investigation for the allegations against's CEO, Mohamad Ibrahim, for halting salary payments to Asian and African employees. It details Ibrahim's professional background, employee grievances, and the company's controversial responses, exploring the impact on's reputation and the wider fintech industry. The report emphasizes the importance of ethical leadership and corporate accountability.

2023-11-21 15:42
Alert: OspreyFX Unexpected Account Locked & Server Issues

Alert: OspreyFX Unexpected Account Locked & Server Issues

Beware of the challenges faced by OspreyFX users, including account lockouts, login issues, and withdrawal limits, in this insightful article. Learn about the risks of unregulated online trading platforms and discover key steps for safe trading.

2023-11-21 12:27
CONSOB Cracks Down on 5 Illegal Financial Websites

CONSOB Cracks Down on 5 Illegal Financial Websites

The Italian financial regulator CONSOB has recently blacked out five websites offering illegal financial services, as part of its mission to combat financial fraud and protect investors. This action brings the total number of blocked sites to 970 since July 2019, when CONSOB received the power to shut down fraudulent financial websites. The regulator emphasizes the importance of investor diligence and verification of financial service providers' authorization to maintain a safe and transparent financial environment in Italy.

2023-11-20 17:32 Added Paypal Stablecoin as Traded Assets Added Paypal Stablecoin as Traded Assets, a leading Filipino cryptocurrency exchange, has integrated PayPal's stablecoin, $PYUSD, into its platform. $PYUSD, launched by PayPal in 2023 and pegged to the U.S. dollar, is designed to provide stability in digital transactions, particularly for cross-border transfers. This integration offers's 18 million users a seamless way to conduct international transactions with zero trading fees for the PYUSD/PHP pair. The process involves simple steps for buying, receiving, and cashing out $PYUSD. This move highlights a significant advancement in blockchain technology and its practical application in financial transactions.

2023-11-20 16:25
FCA Issues Urgent Warning Against eToro Clone Scam

FCA Issues Urgent Warning Against eToro Clone Scam

Urgent warning from the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) about Expotoro a clone scam broker of eToro. The public is advised to be vigilant against clone firms like Expotoro, Tratoro, and PayBack Toro, which pose significant financial risks. The FCA emphasizes the importance of verifying firms' legitimacy to ensure consumer protection against these sophisticated financial scams.

2023-11-20 13:42
Successful investment requires overcoming human weaknesses: frequent trading

Successful investment requires overcoming human weaknesses: frequent trading

Buffett once said that if business school students, after graduating, were given a card with a punch hole for each stock they buy, they would likely be wealthy if they had the fewest punched holes throughout their lives.

2023-11-20 11:13
Manny Pacquiao Foundation and Shibarium of Shiba Inu Partnered for Charity Work

Manny Pacquiao Foundation and Shibarium of Shiba Inu Partnered for Charity Work

The Manny Pacquiao Foundation (MPF) partners with Shiba Inu's Shibarium to revolutionize charity through blockchain technology. This collaboration aims to boost fundraising, improve operational efficiency, and bring transparency to philanthropy on a global scale, showcasing the potential of digital currency for social good.

2023-11-17 16:47
SEC Takes Action Against Algorithmic Trading Fraud Involving Over $1.5 Million

SEC Takes Action Against Algorithmic Trading Fraud Involving Over $1.5 Million

The SEC charged Matthew Melton with fraud, alleging he misled investors about his algorithmic trading scheme, collecting over $3.4 million. Melton claimed his algorithm could generate 12% monthly returns but was unprofitable, misusing over $1.5 million for personal expenses and Ponzi-like payments.

2023-11-17 16:06
ASIC Suspends JB Markets AFS License

ASIC Suspends JB Markets AFS License

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has suspended JB Markets' Australian Financial Services (AFS) license until April 30, 2024, for non-compliance with financial licensing requirements. This action reflects ASIC's commitment to market integrity and consumer protection. The release also outlines ASIC's role in regulating financial services, highlighting its efforts in enforcing standards within the Australian financial industry.

2023-11-17 11:29
5 Useful Indicators for Traders

5 Useful Indicators for Traders

Unlock the power of five key indicators that can revolutionize your trading strategy and guide your decisions in the dynamic world of finance.

2023-11-16 18:26
4 Key Factors Behind the Closure of My Forex Funds by Regulatory Authorities

4 Key Factors Behind the Closure of My Forex Funds by Regulatory Authorities

CFTC-led shutdown of My Forex Funds, citing misrepresentation, unfair account terminations, deceptive charges, and manipulative trading practices, impacting the prop trading industry and emphasizing regulatory integrity.

2023-11-16 13:38
UK Financial Authority FCA Issues Alert on PU Prime Regulatory Status

UK Financial Authority FCA Issues Alert on PU Prime Regulatory Status

Stay informed about PU Prime's unregulated status in the UK financial market. Learn why the FCA's warnings matter and how to protect your investments from potential risks.

2023-11-15 17:32
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