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2023-10-17 15:49

IndustryBeware of Trading Firm "FlexiTrade AI" Offering AI Trading - A Big Ponzi Scheme
FlexiTrade AI claims to generate substantial external revenue via automated AI trading. Their bold statement suggests that one can earn double of whatever is invested. And they go on to claim that their expert traders and bots ensure “100% risk-free trades”. Yet, the company provides no verifiable evidence to back up these lofty claims. Applying simple logic uncovers major flaws in their business model. If FlexiTrade AI genuinely possesses a bot that can consistently generate a 3% daily return, why are they seeking external investments? The only verifiable revenue stream seems to be new investments, suggesting a classic Ponzi scheme structure. Such schemes rely on continuous recruitment and investment. But when this influx wanes, the revenue dries up, leading to an inevitable collapse. The sad reality of Ponzi schemes is that when they fall apart, the majority of participants end up with losses. In conclusion, caution is advised when considering platforms like FlexiTrade AI. The glittering promises of guaranteed profits often mask deeper, more concerning issues. As the old adage goes, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”
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Beware of Trading Firm "FlexiTrade AI" Offering AI Trading - A Big Ponzi Scheme
Philippines | 2023-10-17 15:49
FlexiTrade AI claims to generate substantial external revenue via automated AI trading. Their bold statement suggests that one can earn double of whatever is invested. And they go on to claim that their expert traders and bots ensure “100% risk-free trades”. Yet, the company provides no verifiable evidence to back up these lofty claims. Applying simple logic uncovers major flaws in their business model. If FlexiTrade AI genuinely possesses a bot that can consistently generate a 3% daily return, why are they seeking external investments? The only verifiable revenue stream seems to be new investments, suggesting a classic Ponzi scheme structure. Such schemes rely on continuous recruitment and investment. But when this influx wanes, the revenue dries up, leading to an inevitable collapse. The sad reality of Ponzi schemes is that when they fall apart, the majority of participants end up with losses. In conclusion, caution is advised when considering platforms like FlexiTrade AI. The glittering promises of guaranteed profits often mask deeper, more concerning issues. As the old adage goes, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”
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