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Visiting Enlighten in Hong Kong, Office Exists

Great China Hong Kong


Visiting Enlighten in Hong Kong, Office Exists
Great China Hong Kong

Brand Story

Established in Hong Kong in 2005, Enlighten Investment Holdings mainly engages in Hong Kong and international financial related businesses, including securities and futures brokerage businesses.

Enlighten offers the electronic trading platform eFuture, through which customers can buy and sell products traded on the Hong Kong Futures Exchange, including the Hang Seng Index futures and options, Small Hang Seng Index futures and options, the H-share Index futures and options, Small H-share Index futures and options and stock futures. Enlighten also offers opportunities to trade on overseas futures markets. 


According to regulatory information, Enlighten’s office in Hong Kong is located at 24/F and 6/F, Golden Dragon Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung wan. A team is sent to this place for a site visit. 


According to the address, the survey staff came to Des Voeux Road Central and found a sign next to a flower bed, according to which this was just the destination for the session.

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The survey staff entered the building and, according to a directory sign, Enlighten’s offices were on the 6th floor and 24th floor.


The reception-desk staff on the ground floor asked the surveyors which floor they were going before helping them press the corresponding elevator button.   


The surveyors then took an elevator to Level 24.


When the surveyors reached the 24th Floor by elevator, they learned by a company logo in the corridor that their target company was the only one on the 24th Floor. The surveyors then arrived at the door of Enlighten’s office. As soon as the receptionists saw the surveyors, they opened the office door with enthusiasm and showed the surveyor around the office. The office was estimated to accommodate around 50 people.


A field survey confirmed that Enlighten’s actual address and its regulatory address were consistent. Investors are advised to resort to their good judgement after consulting the said above.

Broker Information

Local Regulated


15-20 years |Regulated in China Hong Kong |Dealing in futures contracts |Suspicious Scope of Business |
  • Company Name:
  • Country/region of Registry:
    China Hong Kong
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Local Regulated


15-20 years | Regulated in China Hong Kong | Dealing in futures contracts | Suspicious Scope of Business |
  • Company Name: 名汇期货有限公司
  • Company Abbreviation: Enlighten
  • Country/region of Registry: China Hong Kong
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:0085221523388

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