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A Visit to Soegee Futures in Jakarta Indonesia -- Office Scale Uncertain

Good Indonesia

Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

A Visit to Soegee Futures in Jakarta Indonesia -- Office Scale Uncertain
Good Indonesia

Reason for this visit

Many investors have called recently, hoping to expose more Indonesian licensed dealers whose regulatory addresses are false addresses. At the request of investors, this time the investigators are going to visit the dealer Soegee Futures to learn more about the actual situation.

On-site visit

Regulatory information shows that the address of Soegee Futures Indonesia's licensed company is Graha Selaras lt 3, jl K.H Mas Mansyur no 59 Jakarta 10230, and the investigators conducted a field visit to this location.


According to the regulatory information and map navigation, the survey personnel came to the office building in Jakarta, Indonesia, which is located in the central area of Jakarta and the traffic is relatively convenient. The buildings occupied area is smaller than the surrounding buildings.


The investigators found that there were three companies in the building, and each company was on its own floor. The third floor was the dealer for this survey, and there was a company water sign on the wall.


Due to the epidemic, it was required to make an appointment in advance to go in for a visit, so the investigators failed to enter the company and could only take pictures outside the door, but the dealer does exist. However, the specific office scale and operating status cannot be judged.


The site survey confirmed that the logo of Soegee Futures was found in the building, and the office was also found. Because of the epidemic, the investigators were not allowed to go in or take any pictures, and thus they were unable to determine the scale of office operations. Investors are asked to choose the dealer carefully.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information

Soegee Futures


5-10 years |Regulated in Indonesia |Retail Forex License |MT4/5 White Label |Regional Brokers |
  • Company Name:
    Soegee Futures, PT.
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
    Soegee Futures
  • Official Email:
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  • Customer Service Number:
Soegee Futures


5-10 years | Regulated in Indonesia | Retail Forex License | MT4/5 White Label | Regional Brokers |
  • Company Name: Soegee Futures, PT.
  • Company Abbreviation: Soegee Futures
  • Country/region of Registry: Indonesia
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:0062213911085

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