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A Visit to Hantec in Australia -- Regulatory Address Confirmed True

Great Australia

Page Street, Sydney, South Australia, Australia

A Visit to Hantec in Australia -- Regulatory Address Confirmed True
Great Australia

Brand Story

Hantec Group was established in 1990, is a provider of specialized financial services cross-regional enterprises, focusing for the global Chinese service. As business continues to expand, the number of customers continue to increase, its network coverage area includes a large territory of China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, parts of Europe and South America, the mutual synergy.

Company Building 

Hantec’s office address in the regulatory information is Level 25, 2-26 Park Street Sdyney NSW 2000. The investigators carried out a field trip to this licensed broker.


The survey personnel successfully found this new company building at the intersection of the two streets.

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Then the personnel entered the building and took the elevator to the 25th floor. They found the broker’s name on the company signboard at the the corridor.


They came to the office door according to the arrow.


What caught the eyes of the investigators first were the bright and simple reception area and an electronic screen showing the foreign exchange quotations.

Inspection Conclusion

The visit by the investigators confirmed the authenticity of Hantec’s address in the regulatory information. The broker holds an AA license issued by Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange, a STP license by Financial Markets Authority, two MM licenses by Australia Securities & Investment Commission and Financial Conduct Authority, as well as two retail licenses by Financial Services Agency and Vanuatu Financial Services Commission. Given that this broker is under multiple and valid regulation and runs businesses in accordance with the laws and regulations.

Broker Information



15-20 years |Regulated in Australia |Market Making(MM) |MT4/5 full license |
  • Company Name:
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
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  • Customer Service Number:


15-20 years | Regulated in Australia | Market Making(MM) | MT4/5 full license |
  • Company Name: 亨达国际金融
  • Company Abbreviation: Hantec
  • Country/region of Registry: Australia
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:--

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