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A Visit to Asiapro in Indonesia -- Office Confirmed Existed

Good Indonesia

Jalan Sunter Jaya, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

A Visit to Asiapro in Indonesia -- Office Confirmed Existed
Good Indonesia

Reason for this visit

While Bank Indonesia (Indonesia's central bank) aims to keep the rupiah stable, BAPPEBTI governs all entities operating on the Indonesian financial market, including forex and CFD brokers, and the agency is directly overseen by the Ministry of Finance. In 2013, the Indonesian government began cracking down on a large number of fraudulent brokers targeting Indonesian citizens, causing overseas brokers operating in the country to shut down their websites. Later, the Indonesian government decided to open it up again to overseas brokers on the condition that they set up an office in the country and follow the guidelines of BAPPEBTI (if any). But these conditions turned out to be short-lived as currently Indonesian investors are free to choose any international broker. With a population of nearly 270 million, Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world, and all forex brokers in the Indonesian market offer Islamic trading accounts that are compatible with Sharia law. In order to help investors or practitioners have a more comprehensive understanding of foreign exchange dealers in Indonesia, the survey team is going to the country for on-site visits.

On-site visit

This time the survey team went to Indonesia to visit the foreign exchange dealer Asiapro as planned. The survey address is PLUIT JUNCTION BLOK SH-12 JL.RAYA PLUIT SELATAN NO.1 PENJARINGAN.



The survey personnel came to the destination of the current survey according to the above address. The destination is located in a busy downtown area in Jakarta, Indonesia, and is close to a large subway station. The office environment is dirty and lacks maintenance. The investigators saw the trader's sign at the gate.


Due to the epidemic, the survey personnel were not able to enter the company to take some pictures, but the dealer's office does exist.


The investigators went to Indonesia to visit the trader Asiapro as planned, and the trader's logo can be found on the publicly displayed business address, indicating that the trader has a real business venue. Unfortunately, the survey personnel were not able to enter the company for internal visit, so the specific scale of its exhibition business is unknown. Investors are requested to make a sensible choice after careful consideration.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information



2-5 years |Regulated in Indonesia |Retail Forex License |MT4/5 White Label |Regional Brokers |
  • Company Name:
    PT Asia Pro Berjangka
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
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  • Customer Service Number:


2-5 years | Regulated in Indonesia | Retail Forex License | MT4/5 White Label | Regional Brokers |
  • Company Name: PT Asia Pro Berjangka
  • Company Abbreviation: Asiapro
  • Country/region of Registry: Indonesia
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:00620212308888

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