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A Visit to FUJI in Hong Kong -- Office Confirmed Existed

Hong Kong


A Visit to FUJI in Hong Kong -- Office Confirmed Existed
Hong Kong

Reason for this visit

The Hong Kong forex market is an international market developed after the 1970s. Since the removal of foreign exchange control in Hong Kong in 1973, there has been a large inflow of international capital and the number of financial institutions operating foreign exchange business has continued to increase. The foreign exchange market has become more and more active, and it has developed into an international forex market. The Hong Kong forex market is an invisible market with no fixed trading venue. Traders conduct foreign exchange transactions through various modern communication facilities and computer networks. Hong Kong's geographical location and time zone conditions are similar to those of Singapore, making it very convenient to trade with other international foreign exchange markets. Participants in the Hong Kong forex market are mainly commercial banks and financial companies. There are three types of forex brokers in this market: local brokers, whose business is limited to Hong Kong; international brokers, who expanded their business to the Hong Kong foreign exchange market after the 1970s; international brokers that developed in Hong Kong, whose business has expanded to foreign exchange markets abroad. In order to help investors or practitioners have a more comprehensive understanding of forex dealers in Hong Kong, the survey team is going there to conduct on-site visits.

On-site visit

This time the survey team visited the dealer FUJI in Hong Kong, China, with the specific address at Room 1407, Wayson Commercial Building, 28 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.


Based on the above address, the survey team came to the destination of this survey. FUJI's office is located in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, a long-developed business district, which is accessible by MTR and various public transportation. The surrounding environment is clean and well-traveled. There are also stores, restaurants, markets, residences and hotels for all kinds of businesses. The destination is an old building with a small facade and a relatively crowded interior. There is a directory in the lobby and the surveyors found the name of FUJI on it.


The surveyors found FUJI's office in Room 1407 on the 14th floor, with a mailbox with the dealer's logo hanging on the door. Due to the epidemic, the surveyors were unable to enter the office to take pictures, but confirmed that the dealer's office really exists.


The survey team went to Hong Kong, China to visit the dealer FUJI as planned, and the dealer's logo could be found on its publicly displayed address, indicating that the dealer has a real place of business. Unfortunately, the surveyors were not able to visit and photograph the interior of the company, so the specific scale of its exhibition business was unknown. Investors are advised to make their choice after comprehensive consideration.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information

Local Regulated


5-10 years |Regulated in China Hong Kong |Type B License |MT4/5 full license |Chinese market only |Medium potential risk |
  • Company Name:
  • Country/region of Registry:
    China Hong Kong
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  • Official Email:
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  • Customer Service Number:
Local Regulated


5-10 years | Regulated in China Hong Kong | Type B License | MT4/5 full license | Chinese market only | Medium potential risk |
  • Company Name: 富士金业有限公司
  • Company Abbreviation: FUJI
  • Country/region of Registry: China Hong Kong
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:0085236189033

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