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Dutch Prime

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|2-5 years|
Regulated in United States|Suspicious Regulatory License|MT4/5 White Label|Global Business|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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White Label

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DutchPrimeSecurities-Live MT4
Server Location Singapore

Beachmont Business Centre, Suite 84 Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines


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Company Name

Dutch Prime securities ltd

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Dutch Prime

Platform registered country and region

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

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Previous Detection : 2023-11-28
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • United StatesNFA (license number: 0557507) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unauthorized. Please be aware of the risk!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

Dutch Prime · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Company Name Dutch Prime Securities
Regulation Unregulated
Minimum Deposit $100
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:200
Spreads Competitive spreads on currency pairs
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Tradable Assets - Over 50 currency pairs - 60+ shares - 13 indices CFDs - Gold and silver
Account Types - Standard - Demo
Demo Account Available
Customer Support 24/5 multilingual support via email and phone
Payment Methods No information provided
Educational Tools Limited educational resources

General Information

Dutch Prime securities ltd. is a broker based in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, engaging in providing global clients with various financial products and services.

They offer traders access to a variety of financial markets through the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, with competitive spreads on currency pairs and a maximum leverage of 1:200. Traders can choose between Standard and Demo accounts, and there is a Demo account option for practice. While the broker provides multilingual customer support via email and phone on a 24/5 basis, they do not specify the available payment methods, and their educational resources appear to be limited. Traders should exercise caution due to the absence of regulatory oversight.



Dutch Prime is an unregulated brokerage firm, which raises significant concerns in the realm of financial services. Unregulated brokers operate without oversight from relevant financial authorities, potentially exposing investors to a multitude of risks. Without regulatory supervision, there's no assurance of fair and transparent practices, and clients may find themselves vulnerable to fraudulent schemes, unethical behavior, or even the loss of their investments. It's crucial for individuals considering any financial transactions to exercise extreme caution when dealing with unregulated entities like Dutch Prime, as they lack the regulatory safeguards that are typically in place to protect investors and maintain the integrity of financial markets.


Pros and Cons

Dutch Prime Securities offers a range of trading options, including access to various trading instruments such as currency pairs, shares, indices, and precious metals. However, there are notable drawbacks, primarily related to the absence of regulatory oversight, limited educational resources, and the need for traders to exercise caution.

Pros Cons
  • Wide Range of Trading Instruments
  • Lack of Regulatory Oversight
  • Access to Currency Pairs, Shares, Indices, Metals
  • Limited Educational Resources
  • Competitive Spreads on Currency Pairs

Market Instruments

Dutch Prime offers investors a range of financial instruments including forex currency pairs, shares, indices, precious metals.

  1. CFDs (Contracts for Difference): The broker provides access to over 50 different currency pairs, encompassing major, cross, and exotic pairs. This offers traders the opportunity to speculate on the price movements of various global currencies. Additionally, they boast ultra-tight spreads on major currency pairs, which can be particularly appealing to those looking for cost-efficient trading options.

  2. Shares: Traders can access more than 60 major US and German shares, which includes well-known companies such as Apple and Amazon. This allows investors to engage in share trading, potentially benefiting from the performance of these prominent enterprises in the financial markets.

  3. Indices: The broker offers 13 different indices CFDs from the US, Europe, and Asia. This means that traders can participate in the price movements of major stock indices, gaining exposure to the broader equity markets without having to buy individual stocks.

  4. Precious Metals: For those interested in trading commodities, the broker offers trading in gold and silver. These precious metals are known for their high liquidity, making them attractive assets for investors looking to diversify their portfolios or hedge against economic uncertainties.

Market Instruments Types Offered Notable Features
CFDs Currency Pairs (50+) Majors, crosses, and exotics available
Ultra-tight spreads on major pairs
Shares US and German Shares (60+) Includes popular companies like Apple, Amazon, etc.
Indices Share Indices CFDs (13 types) Covering markets in the US, Europe, and Asia
Precious Metals Gold and Silver Highly liquid markets for portfolio diversification



There are two kinds of account types for investors to choose from at Dutch Prime, namely Standard and Demo.

  1. Standard Accounts: The broker provides traders with Standard accounts designed for live trading in the financial markets. These accounts offer access to a wide range of trading instruments, including currency pairs, shares, indices, and precious metals. Standard accounts are suitable for those who want to engage in real-money trading and take advantage of the broker's ultra-tight spreads on major currency pairs. With these accounts, traders can execute trades with actual capital, potentially generating profits or losses depending on market movements.

  2. Demo Accounts: For traders who are new to the platform or wish to practice their trading strategies risk-free, the broker offers Demo accounts. These accounts are instrumental in helping individuals gain familiarity with the broker's trading environment and test their trading strategies using virtual funds. Demo accounts replicate real-market conditions, allowing traders to experience the dynamics of trading without risking their own money. It's an excellent resource for both beginners looking to learn and experienced traders wanting to refine their techniques in a risk-free setting.



This broker offers a maximum trading leverage of up to 1:200. Leverage is a financial tool commonly used in trading that allows traders to control a larger position size with a relatively smaller amount of capital. In the case of a 1:200 leverage ratio, for every $1 of capital in the trader's account, they can control a position worth up to $200 in the market.

While leverage can amplify potential profits, it also increases the level of risk. Higher leverage ratios mean that market fluctuations, even small ones, can have a more significant impact on the trader's account. Therefore, traders should exercise caution when using high leverage and be aware of the potential for both substantial gains and significant losses. It's essential to have a solid risk management strategy in place when trading with leverage to protect one's capital and minimize the potential for large drawdowns.

Spreads & Commissions

The spreads start from 0.01 pips. No commission is charged.

Trading Platform

Dutch Prime provides clients with access to the worlds financial markets through the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform (Windows, Apple, Android) which is used by millions of traders around the globe.

MT4 serves as a bridge to the trading world, providing traders with tools for technical analysis, real-time market monitoring, and the automation of trading strategies via Expert Advisors. Key highlights of MT4 with Dutch Prime Securities include access to over 100 trading instruments, competitive spreads, customizable indicators, a maximum leverage of 1:200, multi-device compatibility (desktop, mobile, tablet), full Expert Advisors functionality, one-click trading, and advanced charting tools with over 50 indicators. This platform is available for download on Android, iOS, and Windows devices, ensuring accessibility for traders on various platforms.


Deposit & Withdrawal

Payment methods include credit cards, E-Wallet and bank transfer. Clients can make deposits via HSBC Bank, and can also use cryptocurrencies like BUSD (BEP20), USDT (TRC20), USDT (ERC20). There is 0% commission charged on deposit and withdrawal.

Customer Support

Dutch Prime Securities is known for its exceptional customer support, with dedicated multilingual teams available 24/5 to assist traders. They can be reached via email, ensuring a written record of communication. For specific support needs, contact details are provided, including Client Services at (+60) 3 6211 9797 and email support at They also have a channel for Complaints, Suggestions, and Compliments at This accessibility ensures traders can quickly address any concerns and receive the assistance they require for a smooth trading experience.


Educational Resources

Dutch Prime Securities appears to have limited educational resources available to traders based on the information provided. Educational resources typically encompass materials such as tutorials, webinars, articles, videos, and other tools aimed at enhancing traders' knowledge and skills in the financial markets. The absence of these resources suggests that traders may need to seek educational materials from external sources or rely on their own knowledge and experience when trading with this broker. Having access to educational resources is often considered beneficial for traders, especially those looking to improve their trading strategies and understanding of market dynamics.


Dutch Prime Securities presents a mixed bag for traders. While they offer a wide range of trading instruments, including CFDs, shares, indices, and precious metals, the absence of regulatory oversight raises significant concerns about the safety of clients' funds and fair trading practices. Additionally, the limited educational resources provided could leave traders seeking additional support and guidance elsewhere. While their customer support is available 24/5, the overall lack of regulatory assurance and educational support makes this broker a less appealing choice for traders looking for a comprehensive and secure trading experience.


Q1: What is the minimum deposit required to start trading with Dutch Prime Securities?

A1: The minimum deposit to begin trading with Dutch Prime Securities is $100, providing accessibility to traders with varying budget sizes.

Q2: What trading instruments are available on Dutch Prime Securities?

A2: Dutch Prime Securities offers a diverse range of trading instruments, including over 50 currency pairs, more than 60 major US and German shares, 13 indices CFDs, and trading in gold and silver.

Q3: Can I practice trading before using real money?

A3: Yes, Dutch Prime Securities offers Demo accounts for traders who wish to practice their strategies risk-free. These accounts replicate real-market conditions using virtual funds.

Q4: What is the maximum leverage offered by Dutch Prime Securities?

A4: Dutch Prime Securities provides a maximum trading leverage of up to 1:200, allowing traders to control larger positions with a relatively smaller amount of capital.

Q5: Is there any regulatory oversight for Dutch Prime Securities?

A5: No, Dutch Prime Securities is an unregulated brokerage firm, which means it operates without oversight from financial authorities. Traders should exercise caution due to the absence of regulatory safeguards.


Dutch Prime Securities: Blaming EU Regulators for Withdrawal Issues

ExposureDutch Prime Securities: Blaming EU Regulators for Withdrawal Issues

2022-09-05 18:00

A contentious issue faced by many troubled forex traders is the inability to withdraw their funds. When a forex broker makes the withdrawal process stressful or requests for extra payment at this stage, it is highly probable that this broker in question is a scammer in disguise.

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more than one year
The Dutch Prime trading platform is a helpful tool. It's a great way for beginners to get started with trading. For now, my account is showing great results. Easy to use and great customer support. So far the experience has been pretty good with Dutch Prime.
2023-02-20 14:59
Sun Jin
more than one year
I suggest everyone to avoid trading with companies registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. After all, the safety of our money is the most important thing!
2022-12-12 13:46
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