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OTFX: Analyzing the latest developments and trading strategies for the USD/JPY forex market.

OTFX: Analyzing the latest developments and trading strategies for the USD/JPY forex market.

USD/JPY currency pair continued its corrective rebound, maintaining itself above the 150 level, with the current quote at 150.39.

News 2023-11-08 16:50
The US dollar rose, world stock markets regained ground, and Wall Street stock markets soared; Several Federal Reserve officials delivered hawkish speeches, causing gold prices to fall to a new low in nearly two weeks

The US dollar rose, world stock markets regained ground, and Wall Street stock markets soared; Several Federal Reserve officials delivered hawkish speeches, causing gold prices to fall to a new low in nearly two weeks

The US dollar rose, world stock markets regained ground, and Wall Street stock markets soared; Several Federal Reserve officials delivered hawkish speeches, causing gold prices to fall to a new low in nearly two weeks

Review 2023-11-08 16:25
WCG Markets:2023-11-08

WCG Markets:2023-11-08

WCG Markets:2023-11-08

Review 2023-11-08 11:20
11/08 Market report

11/08 Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Euro】 【Gold】 【Crude Oil】

Review 2023-11-08 11:13
11/07 Market report

11/07 Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Euro】 【Gold】 【Crude Oil】

Review 2023-11-07 18:57
The US dollar was basically flat, buffered by depressed market sentiment and rising US bond yields Gold pressure reduction and consolidation

The US dollar was basically flat, buffered by depressed market sentiment and rising US bond yields Gold pressure reduction and consolidation

The US dollar was basically flat, buffered by depressed market sentiment and rising US bond yields Gold pressure reduction and consolidation

Review 2023-11-07 18:03
MHMarkets:Federal Reserve Governor Cook: The debt issue will not pose a significant threat to the US economy.

MHMarkets:Federal Reserve Governor Cook: The debt issue will not pose a significant threat to the US economy.

At the end of the Asian market on Tuesday (November 7), in response to the debt issue of the US government, Federal Reserve Governor Lisa Cook countered on Monday that the financial conditions of households, businesses, and banks were quite good and did not seem to pose a significant threat to the US economy.

News 2023-11-07 17:50
MHMarkets:November 07, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 07, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

The dollar index recovered some ground on Monday as the market's focus turned to remarks from Fed officials including Powell, falling as low as it has since Sept. 20 before closing up 0.209% at 105.3.

News 2023-11-07 17:47
WCG Markets:2023-11-07

WCG Markets:2023-11-07

WCG Markets:2023-11-07

Review 2023-11-07 11:05
USDCAD appears dicey ahead of US, Canada employment data

USDCAD appears dicey ahead of US, Canada employment data

The risk appetite remains slightly positive despite the market’s anxiety ahead of the US and Canadian employment report for October. That being said, receding fears from Gaza join downbeat yields and fresh concerns suggesting no more rate hikes from the Fed in 2023 to weigh on the US Dollar, especially amid the recently mixed data and the Fed’s lack of hawkishness.

News 2023-11-07 10:50
Some weakness for the dollar as the Fed holds rates

Some weakness for the dollar as the Fed holds rates

The Federal Open Market Committee left its funds rate on hold at 5.25-5.5% on Wednesday 1 November, as widely expected.

News 2023-11-07 10:31
Goldman Sachs boosts Indian presence with record managing director promotions

Goldman Sachs boosts Indian presence with record managing director promotions

Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) has emphasized its commitment to global expansion by announcing its largest-ever batch of promotions to the Managing Director (MD) level in India.

News 2023-11-07 10:16
MHMarkets:The crisis of the US government's shutdown is approaching again, and Speaker of the House: Members of the House are busy formulating temporary measures.

MHMarkets:The crisis of the US government's shutdown is approaching again, and Speaker of the House: Members of the House are busy formulating temporary measures.

At the end of the Asian market on Monday (November 6), the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, stated that at the end of the week, representatives were busy developing a stopgap plan to continue providing funding to the US government after the deadline of November 17.

News 2023-11-06 18:07
MHMarkets:November 6, 2023,--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 6, 2023,--Fundamental Reminder

Last Friday, with weaker than expected US employment data and ISM services data increasing speculation about the end of the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike, the US dollar index plummeted and hit the 105 mark in the session, marking the first time since September 20. It ultimately closed down 1.017% at 105.08.

News 2023-11-06 18:04
Trading Hour Schedule Changes for US Daylight Saving

Trading Hour Schedule Changes for US Daylight Saving

Please note that in observance of the upcoming Daylight Saving Time in US, there will be changes to STARTRADER's trading schedule from 6th November 2023.

News 2023-11-06 17:34
Unexpectedly Non-farm Data in the United States, with the US dollar plummeting Gold rushes high and falls back after encountering obstacles for consolidation

Unexpectedly Non-farm Data in the United States, with the US dollar plummeting Gold rushes high and falls back after encountering obstacles for consolidation

Unexpectedly Non-farm Data in the United States, with the US dollar plummeting Gold rushes high and falls back after encountering obstacles for consolidation

Review 2023-11-06 16:30
11/06 Market report

11/06 Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Euro】 【Gold】 【Crude Oil】

Review 2023-11-06 11:29
Zalando cuts 2023 sales forecast as demand stays weak

Zalando cuts 2023 sales forecast as demand stays weak

Europe's biggest online fashion retailer Zalando ZALG.DE sees continued pressure on demand for the rest of the year and now expects 2023 sales to decline, the company said on Wednesday as it reported weaker than expected third-quarter revenue.

News 2023-11-06 11:14
Technical Analysis & Forecast for November 2023

Technical Analysis & Forecast for November 2023

EURUSD has completed a correction to 1.0633. A new fifth decline wave to 1.0125 could start now. Practically, the first structure of this wave is forming, targeting 1.0418. After the price reaches this level, it could correct to 1.0550 (a test from below) and then decline to 1.0277, from where the trend might continue to 1.0125.

News 2023-11-06 11:04
WCG Markets:2023-11-06

WCG Markets:2023-11-06

WCG Markets:2023-11-06

Review 2023-11-06 10:45
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