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A Visit to the HK Broker Dayou Futures

Great China Hong Kong


A Visit to the HK Broker Dayou Futures
Great China Hong Kong

Brand Story

Incepted in Changsha in July, 2002 with registration capital of 580 million, Dayou Futures Co., Ltd is a wholly-funded subsidy of Xiandai Investment Co., Ltd and a member company of Hunan Futures Association. The shareholder Xiandai Investment Co., Ltd is a listed company( stock code: 000900) affiliated to Hunan SASAC

The company is qualified for several businesses such as financial futures brokerage, advisory on futures investment, asset management, sales of Securitiies Iinvestment Fund. The company set up 10 branches in key cities such as Shanghai, Nanjing, Zhenghzhou, Hefei, Jinanan and so on. China The company also set up a risk management subsidy named Shanghai Rammerstone Trading Co. Ltd. In China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and a HK subsidy named Dayou Futures HK Co., Ltd in HKSAR.


According to the regulatory information, the HK licensed broker Dayou Futures HK Co., Ltd was located at Room 3702, Shen Tak Centre 168-200 Connaught Road Central, HK. The surveyors visited the broker.


In order to complete the inspection, the surveyors came to Shen Tak Centre at Connaught Road Central. The Centre was large and In the Centre there were shopping mall and office building connected by an overpass. The surveyors took the overpass to the entrance of the office building.

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The surveyors then took the elevator to 37F and found a company directory. According to the directory, it was known that six broker in all had an office in the floor and Dayou Futures had its office at Room 3702.


The surveyors found Dayou Futures’ office after getting out of the elevator and walking for one or two minutes.


The surveyors walked closer to Dayou Futures’ office and saw the broker’s logo. The surveyors looked around the entire office through the glass door. As was estimated, there were about 30 cubicles in the office.


It was confirmed by the surveyor's field survey that the HK licensed broker DAYOU's real address was the same with its regulatory address. The broker held a futures transaction license (Regulatory No: 0173) issued by CFFEX. However, since the broker's futures transaction license (Regulatory No: BHF476) issued by SFC was cancelled,Discretion is advised with regard to investment.

Broker Information



5-10 years |Regulated in China |Futures License |Suspicious Scope of Business |China Hong Kong Dealing in futures contracts Revoked |Medium potential risk |
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5-10 years | Regulated in China | Futures License | Suspicious Scope of Business | China Hong Kong Dealing in futures contracts Revoked | Medium potential risk |
  • Company Name: 大有期货有限公司
  • Company Abbreviation: DAYOU FUTURES
  • Country/region of Registry: China
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:--

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