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A Visit to JFX in Japan -- Office Confirmed Existed

Good Japan

Chuo, Tokyo, Japan

A Visit to JFX in Japan -- Office Confirmed Existed
Good Japan

Reason for this visit

Recently, investors have called to ask for more exposure of Japanese licensees whose actual addresses are inconsistent with the regulatory addresses. Based on the feedback from investors and the work plan of the survey team, the survey team are going to visit JFX, a licensed dealer in Japan, to learn more about the actual situation.

On-site visit

According to the regulatory information, the dealer JFX is licensed by the Japanese regulator and located at 1-12-7 Shintomi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo (3/F Shintomi HJ Building). The survey team thus decided to have an on-site visit to this regulatory address for confirmation.



The office of the dealer JFX was located in a building between Shintomi-cho and Hatchobori Station. It was not a large office building, but the interior was beautiful and inviting. Since an entry pass was required to enter the detailed floor, the surveyors could only take pictures from the outside, but were unable to photograph the inside of the building. However, the surveyors found the nameplate of the dealer.



The survey team went to visit the dealer JFX in Tokyo, Japan as planned. The dealer’s logo can be found on the publicly displayed address, indicating that the dealer had a real business place. However, the surveyors failed to enter the company for further visit, so the specific scale of the business remained unknown. Please be prudent when trading with this broker.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information



15-20 years |Regulated in Japan |Retail Forex License |MT4/5 White Label |
  • Company Name:
    JFX Corporation
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:


15-20 years | Regulated in Japan | Retail Forex License | MT4/5 White Label |
  • Company Name: JFX Corporation
  • Company Abbreviation: JFX
  • Country/region of Registry: Japan
  • Official Email: --
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:00810120219472

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