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Visiting Japanese Broker MITO, Office Exists

Great Japan

東京都中央区日本橋室町1-7-1, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan

Visiting Japanese Broker MITO, Office Exists
Great Japan

Brand Story

Founded in 1921, Mito Securities Co., Ltd. is an old-brand Japan-based financial company mainly engaged in the securities business. As a member of the Japan Securities Dealers Association and the Japan Investment Advisors Association, MITO Securities is qualified to participate in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Osaka Stock Exchange and Nagoya Stock Exchange. The company is involved in the purchase and sale of marketable securities, the introduction of marketable securities, as well as the underwriting, sale and offering of marketable securities, among others. In addition, the Company is engaged in the provision of investment information, as well as the setting and cancellation of investment trust. The Company is engaged in the operation of branches in Tokyo, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa and Fukushima prefectures, among others.


According to regulatory information, Mito Securities’ office in Japan is located at 2-3-10 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. The inspection team sent its survey team to this place for a field investigation. 

With the help of map navigation, the surveyors found the office building indicated by the regulatory information. There were many business circles around the office building.

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The surveyors entered the building and learned from a directory sign that floors 7, 8 and 9 all belonged to Mito Securities.


The surveyors took an elevator to the 7th Floor, where the company’s business department was based. The spacious and clean office environment left a good impression on the survey staff.


The surveyors had a brief conversation with staff of the company’s sales department, and learned that there were about 30 staff in the sales department on the 7th Floor.


A field investigation confirmed the physical presence of Mito Securities. The company with a considerable scale holds a retail forex license from the Japan FSA, and is believed to be compliant with regulations. 

Broker Information



15-20 years |Regulated in Japan |Retail Forex License |Medium potential risk |
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15-20 years | Regulated in Japan | Retail Forex License | Medium potential risk |
  • Company Name: MITO SECURITIES CO.,LTD.
  • Company Abbreviation: MITO
  • Country/region of Registry: Japan
  • Official Email: --
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:00810332730310

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