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A Site Visit to Industrial Security International in Hong Kong

Great China Hong Kong


A Site Visit to Industrial Security International in Hong Kong
Great China Hong Kong

Brand Story

Industrial Security International is a Hong Kong investment holding company mainly providing financial services. The company operates mainly through five branches. The brokerage division provides services for securities, futures and options, and insurance.The loaning and financing division provides margin financing and secured or unsecured loans to customers. The investment banking division provides financial advisory, listing guarantee and underwriting and placement services. Asset management division provides fund management, property management and investment advisory services. The proprietary trading division deals in debt and equity securities. Its subsidiaries include industrial securities international limited, industrial securities international futures limited, industrial securities international financing limited , industrial securities international asset management limited, industrial securities international finance limited, industrial securities international investment limited and industrial securities international private wealth management limited.

Company Building

According to the regulatory information,Hong Kong licensed company Industrial Security International is located on 32nd floor, Infinitus plaza, 199 Des Voeux Road Central,Central, Hong Kong, which was surveyed by the investigation staff. 


Guided by the information ,the investigation team went to the Des Voeux Road and found a sign. They figured out the Infinitus plaza,surrounded by huge crowds of people. The investigation team entered the square and found many restaurants in it.

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The investigation team found a detailed floor guiding board downstairs. They knew that industrial is on the 32nd floor with the information.


Then the investigation team went to the 32nd floor by elevator.


In the corridor of the 32nd floor,they figured out the name of industrial.It’s said that the whole building belongs to the company.


The investigation team came to the office of industrial,the logo of industrial and the flower in the reception area can be seen through the glass door.It ’s said that there are about 30 chairs in it.


After being regulated by the investigation team ,the practice address of industrial is consistent with the regulatory address.Industrial holds the futures trading licence issued by the securities and futures commission of Hong Kong.Discretion is advised with regard to investment.

Broker Information

Local Regulated
Industrial Securities


10-15 years |Regulated in China Hong Kong |Dealing in futures contracts |Chinese market only |
  • Company Name:
    China Industrial Securities International Financial Group Limited
  • Country/region of Registry:
    China Hong Kong
  • Company Abbreviation:
    Industrial Securities
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:
Industrial Securities
Local Regulated


10-15 years | Regulated in China Hong Kong | Dealing in futures contracts | Chinese market only |
  • Company Name: China Industrial Securities International Financial Group Limited
  • Company Abbreviation: Industrial Securities
  • Country/region of Registry: China Hong Kong
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:0085235095938

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