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A Visit to Top Forex Broker Ec Markets in London

Perfect United Kingdom

110 Bishopsgate, London, England

A Visit to Top Forex Broker Ec Markets in London
Perfect United Kingdom

Reason for this visit

According to the recent demands of investors, WikiFX survey team is going to London, UK for on-site visits to local forex brokers. This time the team paid a visit to Ec Markets to physically have a better understanding of the broker in many aspects covering operation condition, trading environment, service quality, and its performance in UK forex market. These authentic and reliable information will contribute to the sensible investment decisions of investors.

Brand Story

As a brokerage firm registered in the UK, Ec Markets provides customers with real-time market quotes and fast order execution, as well as a wide range of trading tools and features, such as multiple order types, real-time charts, technical indicators, and automated trading system to meet the demands of different investors. Regulated by well-known regulators including the FCA, FSA, FSC, etc., the broker offers various trading instruments like Forex, Commodities, Indices, Cryptocurrencies, and others. In addition, Ec Markets allows traders to have more options to engage in the financial market via different types of trading account, including STD, ECN, and PRO account, each of which is tailored to different trading needs

On-site visit

The investigators conducted a visit to Ec Markets' headquarters in the City of London on May 13, 2023. Upon arrival at Heron Tower, where Ec Markets is located, the survey team was impressed by the bustling Bishopsgate neighborhood, and used cell phone to take panoramic photos which recorded the splendid high-rise building.




After entering the building with a well-furnished, modern, and professional working environment, the survey personnel found Ec Markets from company directory, and then arrived at its office on the 17th floor, with an eye-catching company logo displayed at its reception desk, which showcases the company’s professional image.




The survey team were stunned by the bright and spacious working environment when walking into the lobby. Despite the non-business hours, there were still 5-6 employees working in the office, which boasts a neat, clean, and excellent environment. It could be seen that the office consisted of at least 5 rooms, two of which were used for conference. Although unable to visit all the room, the investigators could definitely see a comfortable and professional office.




During the conversation with the staff members of Mc Markets, the survey personnel learned that the broker owns a total of 60-70 employees with a majority of backend personnel. However, most of them opt to work from home at weekend. At meantime, Ec Markets always attaches importance to a comfortable and modern office environment in the hope of creating a positive and productive workplace for its employees.



The field surveyors gained a deeper understanding of Ec Markets' growth and vision through an interaction with its CEO, who demonstrated an intensive understanding and expertise of the industry and was confident in the future of the company. They emphasized that Ec Markets is committed to providing 24/7 customer-based support services by multiple channels such as phone, email, and online chat, by which users are allowed to access market analysis, trading advices, and other help for problem solutions. At the same time, Ec Markets also focuses on the security of clients’ funds, employing strict risk management measures and segregation of fund. In addition, he also shared the company's growth plans and strategies for market expansion.


Throughout the on-site visit, the investigators were impressed by the company culture of Ec Markets and its professional image, in addition to the comfortable working environment and energetic employees. Despite the fact that most of them were working from home, the company still maintained efficient operations and good teamwork.


Ec Markets is a professional forex broker, located on the 17th floor of the Heron Tower, 110 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4AY, UK, with a first class office environment and a professional team. And it is committed to providing high quality services to their clients. Its staff are also optimistic about their future, and we look forward to seeing their greater success in future growth and innovation.


The content is used for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as a final order for making a choice.

Broker Information

Ec Markets


10-15 years |Regulated in United Kingdom |Straight Through Processing(STP) |MT4/5 full license |Global Business |
  • Company Name:
  • Country/region of Registry:
    United Kingdom
  • Company Abbreviation:
    Ec Markets
  • Official Email:
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  • Customer Service Number:
Ec Markets


10-15 years | Regulated in United Kingdom | Straight Through Processing(STP) | MT4/5 full license | Global Business |
  • Company Abbreviation: Ec Markets
  • Country/region of Registry: United Kingdom
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:002484224099

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