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A Visit to GIB in Indonesia -- Office Confirmed Existed

Good Indonesia

Jalan Layang Kampung Melayu - Tanah Abang, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

A Visit to GIB in Indonesia -- Office Confirmed Existed
Good Indonesia

Reason for this visit

With a population of nearly 270 million, Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. It has become a foreign exchange market as well as an emerging market that cannot be ignored. Many foreign exchange dealers have been coveting the Indonesian market for a long time. For investors, they are familiar with the Islamic trading account provided by Indonesian dealers. However, neither practitioners nor investors know enough about the current situation of those foreign exchange dealers in the country. In order to uncover the mystery of local dealers, the survey team is going to Indonesia for site visits

On-site visit

This time the survey team visited the dealer GIB in Jakarta, Indonesia, with the regulatory address at Axa Tower Kuningan 38th Floor, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi District, South Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12940.


According to the above address, the survey team came to the destination of this survey, an office building "Axa Tower" in Jakarta, Indonesia. The building is located in the downtown with convenient transportation, which looks very grand and eye-catching. 


The security of building was very strict. The surveyors finally entered the building successfully and went straight to the 38th floor. The name of GIB could be clearly seen on the directory of floor, which was consistent with the address on the regulatory information.


Subsequently, the surveyors found the office of the dealer GIB. In front of the office, there is a logo of GIB, which looks very grand. Through the on-site visit, the surveyors learned that the dealer has a total of nine offices, which means its office scale is quite large. 


Outside the office hung a market monitor, which indicated that the dealer GIB might operate well. Unfortunately, the surveyors were unable to enter the dealer's office in the end.


The survey team went to Jakarta, Indonesia, to visit the the dealer GIB and found its office at the regulatory address. According to the on-site visit, it was learned that 9 offices in the building belonged to the dealer, the office scale of which was quite large. However, the team were unable to enter the broker's office so that the operation condition of which remained unknown. Please be prudent when trading with this broker. 


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information



5-10 years |Regulated in Indonesia |Retail Forex License |MT4/5 full license |Regional Brokers |Medium potential risk |
  • Company Name:
    Global Intra Berjangka
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
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  • Customer Service Number:


5-10 years | Regulated in Indonesia | Retail Forex License | MT4/5 full license | Regional Brokers | Medium potential risk |
  • Company Name: Global Intra Berjangka
  • Company Abbreviation: GIB
  • Country/region of Registry: Indonesia
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:006202139720818

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