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A Site Visit to BEA in Hong Kong

Great China Hong Kong


A Site Visit to BEA in Hong Kong
Great China Hong Kong

Brand Story

As a licensed corporation under Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (CE No. AAE975), East Asia Futures Limited was founded in 1989 and is a participant of Hong Kong Futures Exchange and HKFE Clearing Corporation Limited.

It provides brokerage services for a wide range of futures and options products traded on the HKFE, including: Hang Seng Index Futures and Options Contracts; Mini-Hang Seng Index Futures and Options Contracts; Stock Futures Contracts; Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures and Options Contracts; Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures and Options Contracts and Other Futures and Options products traded on the HKFE.

The above instruments can be used in strategies to leverage investment exposure, to take advantage of price volatility, to hedge against existing positions and to exploit spread trading or arbitrage opportunities. In respect of hedging, the investors can select the appropriate derivative instrument to hedge against an existing portfolio, a particular stock or a particular sector.


According to regulatory information, BEA is located on 9/F, the Bank of East Asia Building, 10 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong, China. The inspection team paid a site visit to the office.



The inspection team found the office building on 10 Des Voeux Road Central.


The inspection team came to the main entrance of the office building and found its logo. As a ubiquitous and large bank in Hong Kong, the Bank of East Asia occupies the whole building on the left. BEA is located in the office building on the right. The team took the elevator to the 9th floor.

Featured Photo


The inspection team found the office of BEA and its logo. Unfortunately, the team failed to enter the office for lack of approval. There are about 30 working desks in the office.


The inspection team confirmed the existence of the office of BEA in Hong Kong after the site visit. It holds a futures trading license issued by Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission.Investors are suggested to make decisions at their own discretion.

Broker Information

Local Regulated
East Asia Futures


15-20 years |Regulated in China Hong Kong |Dealing in futures contracts |Suspicious Scope of Business |
  • Company Name:
    East Asia Futures Limited
  • Country/region of Registry:
    China Hong Kong
  • Company Abbreviation:
    East Asia Futures
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:
East Asia Futures
Local Regulated


15-20 years | Regulated in China Hong Kong | Dealing in futures contracts | Suspicious Scope of Business |
  • Company Name: East Asia Futures Limited
  • Company Abbreviation: East Asia Futures
  • Country/region of Registry: China Hong Kong
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:0085236088181

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