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A Visit to ACDEX in Taiwan -- Office Confirmed Existed

Good Taiwan


A Visit to ACDEX in Taiwan -- Office Confirmed Existed
Good Taiwan

Reason for this visit

The economic and financial situation is changing rapidly. Foreign exchange transactions are favored by many public investors in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other regions of China due to different laws and regulations. At the same time, there are currently about 730,000 foreign migrant workers in Taiwan. Statistics show that foreign migrant workers remit up to US$3 billion a year, which is a huge potential business opportunity. The capital of the newly opened relevant exclusive exchange institutions according to the regulations is NT$100 million. It is said that in Taiwan, foreign exchange investment is becoming increasingly popular due to the downturn in stock investment and the lack of local investment varieties. In order to let investors truly understand the current situation of Taiwan's foreign exchange dealers, the survey team is going to Taiwan, China to conduct on-site inspections.

On-site visit

This time the survey personnel went to Taiwan, China to visit the foreign exchange dealer ACDEX as planned. The survey address is Block B, 2nd Floor, No. 129, Section 3, Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City.



The survey personnel came to the destination of the current survey according to the above address. ACDEX's office is located in a building on Minsheng East Road, Taipei. There are other securities firms, banks and financial units in the surrounding area.



The investigators did not find the trader's name on the water sign in the lobby on the 1st floor. However, the front desk staff in the lobby said that the office of ACEDX was indeed upstairs, but the water sign in the lobby failed to display the names of all units. The investigators went upstairs for further confirmation. They found the dealer's office, with its logo on the door.



The investigators saw that there were many decorated antique handicrafts at the entrance of the office, which were in contrast with the modern office building. A manager of the trader came out to receive the survey personnel and was accompanied by two employees.



The manager led the investigators to conduct an internal visit. According to him, ACDEX is a comprehensive foreign exchange brokerage in Australia. Because of his interest in Taiwan's industrial environment and the potential for international development in the future, he chose Taipei Financial Business District to set up its Asia-Pacific operations headquarters. There are three offices and a conference room in the company, and about 20 employees work here.


The survey personnel went to Taiwan, China to visit the dealer ACDEX as planned. The logo of the dealer can be found on the publicly displayed business address. There are 4 offices and about 20 employees working there. The dealer has a real business venue. Please make a sensible choice after careful consideration.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information



5-10 years |Regulated in Australia |Straight Through Processing(STP) |MT4/5 full license |Chinese market only |Medium potential risk |
  • Company Name:
  • Country/region of Registry:
    China Hong Kong
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  • Official Email:
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  • Customer Service Number:


5-10 years | Regulated in Australia | Straight Through Processing(STP) | MT4/5 full license | Chinese market only | Medium potential risk |
  • Company Name: ACDEX PTY LTD.
  • Company Abbreviation: ACDEX
  • Country/region of Registry: China Hong Kong
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:00886227188877

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