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3 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to withdraw

scam alert

i refuse to remain silent as these individuals persist in causing harm to others. amidst everything, i connected with a woman online who manipulated my emotions and urged me to invest with MEXO Finance. reluctantly, i agreed and entrusted them with my $89,000 investment. however, they dishonestly denied ever receiving it. it wasn't until the intervention of an external finclaimback, entity that this fraudulent scheme was halted. exercise caution when dealing with the deceptive broker MEXO Finance, as they are far from what they appear to be, my investment was eventually restored they are nothing but purveyors of deceit.

United States United States 2023-08-28 05:33
United States United States 2023-08-28 05:33
Unable to withdraw

Demanded additional outside money - Scam exchange

Mexo financial ltd has a trading platform however when trying to withdraw funds from my account, I discovered that they insist that taxes be paid on the withdrawal amount using outside additional funds only (no withholding of account funds is permitted). They gave  me a nondescript wallet address that cannot be verified as anything beside a wallet address, I was not only scammed out of all of my profits but they froze the account and refused to release any of the original deposited funds as well. I attempted to adjust the withdrawal amount to be less than the deposited funds however they refused to complete the transaction insisting that I pay taxes on all profits using outside funds before they will release any funds. They asked for proof that I paid the funds which amounts to a screen shot basically and black listed me on chat so I could not send them anything even if I had paid the so called taxes and then deleted my account altogether.  Zero stars. Mexo is a scam site. I of course did not pay any additional funds to the wallet address they provided and was scammed out of over $120,000.00 USD from the original deposits there as well as the profits from the trading. The total in my account is $481,495.83 USD. Furthermore Mexo has no working email.with which to conduct correspondence with a real person in the corporation. The email provided: info@MEXO is invalid.The MSB registration number: is registered Legal Name: SSJTCF GROUP LIMITEDDBA Street Address: FLOOR 1 OFFICE 25 22 MARKET SQUARECity: LONDONZip: E146BU UNITED KINGDOM.My account was frozen at first, then they disabled chat and then they deleted the account.

United States United States 2023-08-28 02:18
United States United States 2023-08-28 02:18
Unable to withdraw

Scam exchange

Mexo financial ltd My profits and my original deposit is gone. My account was frozen then deleted when I attempted to withdraw funds          The email provided: info@MEXO is invalid.The MSB registration number: 31000234126807 is also invalid. There's no way to contact MEXO without a working email.The site is a scam exchange.

United States United States 2023-08-27 23:44
United States United States 2023-08-27 23:44
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