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2019-07-31 04:32 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Withdrawal is unavailable in Galaxy International with account frozen

Galaxy International is a fraud platform. A woman with her WeChat nickname “Cherish”, incited me to invest in forex. She claimed Galaxy International as a regular platform with safe depositing and withdrawing. However, Have got benefits, I have no access to withdrawal. She explained that my money was frozen because of wrong account number. When asked how to unfreeze the account, she told me to pay 3% of the capital. After I did as she said, I still failed to withdraw my money. She asked me to pay another 40,000 because of my credit score falling to meet the standards. I asked the platform’s customer service personnel for the website link, while they abused me violently, threatening a unaccessible withdrawal. I would like to give you guys a warning by my unfortunate experience. Just keep away from the platform.

Unable to withdraw

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