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A Visit to PROSPERO MARKETS in Australia -- Office Confirmed Existed

Good Australia

161 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

A Visit to PROSPERO MARKETS in Australia -- Office Confirmed Existed
Good Australia

Reason for this visit

Prospero Markets is a financial service provider licensed in 2012. Since its establishment, it has been providing customers with trading services including foreign exchange (FX), stocks, indices, commodities, futures and other financial derivatives for nearly 10 years.

On-site visit

According to the regulatory information, the address of PROSPERO MARKETS licensed company in Australia is Suite 502 1 Castlereagh St Sydney 2000, and the investigators conducted a field visit to this location.


The destination this time is Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. This is Australia’s most populous state, Australia’s largest financial center, and a major international tourist attraction. It is famous for its beaches, opera houses and harbour bridges. It is located in the southeast of Australia.


The investigators found the building based on the business address of the trader PROSPERO MARKETS, which is located near Martin Place in the center of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Martin Place is the "city heart" of Sydney. Moreover, as the headquarters of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Macquarie Bank and other companies, Martin Place is also the center of business and finance.


The investigators found the dealer's office in Room 502, and the LOGO of the foreign exchange dealer PROSPERO MARKETS was pasted on the glass at the door.


The employees of the marketing department of PROSPERO MARKETS received the survey personnel and allowed them to conduct internal visits and take photos. The entire office was well-lit.


The investigators has found that the employees are working hard and their office environment is relatively comfortable.


The company has a larger area for employees to rest, with simple but well-equipped decoration .



According to the person in charge, Prospero Markets is a thriving financial service provider, headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, under the supervision of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Prospero Markets was established in 2012, and professional account managers provide 24-hour consulting services. The investigators has found that there are more than 20 employees working here.


The site survey has confirmed that the actual address of PROSPERO MARKETS licensed company in Australia is consistent with the regulatory address. The dealer holds a full license issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (regulatory certificate number: 423034). The employees are active and enthusiastic, and the company is conveniently located. Investors can make a sensible choice after careful consideration.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information

Stoppage of Business


10-15 years |Regulated in Australia |Market Making(MM) |MT4/5 full license |
  • Company Name:
    Prospero Markets Pty Ltd
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:
Stoppage of Business


10-15 years | Regulated in Australia | Market Making(MM) | MT4/5 full license |
  • Company Name: Prospero Markets Pty Ltd
  • Company Abbreviation: Prospero
  • Country/region of Registry: Australia
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:00611300768888

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