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2023-11-28 10:03 Released in Japan Japan

Unable to withdrawal.

I paid $436,650 to operate the platform, and I have $740,000 in my account.If I request a withdrawal of $400,000 of that amount, I will be charged an additional $62,000 in taxes and operating fees, and if I pay that, I can withdraw the money within 48 hours. I paid when I was told that I could, but I can't withdraw money. When I inquired, I was told that I would not be able to withdraw money immediately unless I paid an additional $220,000. Even if I keep my promise, they still charge me more and won't pay.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


436,650ドルを支払い運用をしてもらいTO FOREX LIMITEDの口座に740,000ドルありそのうち400,000ドルの出金依頼をすると追加で税金・運営費62,000ドルを請求されて、それを払えば48時間以内に出金ができると言われて払ったが出金ができない。そこで問い合わせをすると追加で220,000ドルを払わないとすぐに出金できないと言われました。約束を守っても追加で請求してきて、支払いに応じません。

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