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2023-11-25 04:37 Released in Brazil Brazil

They won't let me withdraw blocked my withdrawal and asked for verification of my bank account, so I sent all the receipts and the bank statement to which I made a deposit with the broker itself, then they approved it, but again they prevented me from withdrawing, asking me for proof of my credit card, but unfortunately I never made a deposit via card at the brokerage, so I have no way of sending this proof, and my account remains blocked for withdrawal, uses the outsourced bank account of the company localpay do Brasil servicing of payments Ltda.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

não me deixam fazer retirada

a bloqueou a minha retirada e pediu verificação da minha conta bancária, então enviei todos os comprovantes e extrato bancário ao qual eu fiz depósito na própria corretora então aprovaram, mas novamente me impediram de retirar me pedindo comprovante de cartão de crédito mas infelizmente eu nunca realizei depósito através de cartão na corretora com isso não tenho como enviar esse comprovante, e a minha conta permanece bloqueada para retirada,
a utiliza a conta bancária terceirizada da empresa localpay do Brasil serviço de pagamentos Ltda,

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