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2023-11-24 07:50 Released in Nicaragua Nicaragua

Omegapro does not give me my money.

I have investments in Omegapro and now they do not respond to my request to withdraw my investments. I invested it 2 years ago and at the beginning, everything was going well, but now they have disappeared and do not say anything about the investments. Many of us put our money in Omegapro. I want you to help me do something to recover my money and also help many people who are in the same situation as me.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

Omegapro no me entrega mi dinero.

Tengo inversiones en Omegapro y ellos ahora no responden mi solicitud para retirar mis inversiones.Inicie a invertit hace 2 años y al inicio todo marchaba bien, pero ahora ellos han desaparecido y no disen nada sobre las inversiones. Somos muchas personas las que pusimos nuestro dinero en Omegapro. Quiero que me auyuden hacer algo para recuperar mi dinero y tambien a muchas personas que estan en la misma situacion que yo.

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