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2023-11-14 19:36 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

IG won't withdraw money and requires margin when winning

I was scammed... I was asked to be in a betting event and told to pay a verification fee when I won. I found out I was scammed after paying half of the margin. Is it difficult to get the money back? I hope you can help. I was scammed out of almost 140,000. I'm very worried. could I be so stupid

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


我被詐騙了...叫我投注賽事贏了還說要繳驗證金繳到一半才發現被詐騙了是不是很難拿回錢了😭希望幫幫我 被騙了差不多快14萬😭我很後悔...我怎麼可以那麼笨

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