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2023-11-15 03:52 Released in Bolivia Bolivia


Next I want to present my case, through a friend I accessed this broker to carry out market operations and well I made a first deposit of 500usd between profits and loss, to recover my friend helped me with 500usd and hey we started a market operation with 1802usd. which generated a total of initial investment plus profits of 5550.68usd, from that moment everything started when I requested to withdraw the funds I was rejected, customer service indicated that a payment of 20% tax had to be made, I paid 1,111usd I was rejected again Withdrawal he told me that I had to pay another 30% tax which I paid 1665usd again in my withdrawal attempt, I was refused, I submitted my claim to customer service and they told me that I must make a new deposit of 5,000usd to be able to withdraw and that this last tax was not It was necessary since virtual currencies are not yet regulated in my country. I requested a refund. They only reimbursed me to the CICC account but they did not allow me to make the withdrawal nor to the payment account, which would be the most logical thing. My friend tried to help me with 1000usd that I deposited into the CICC direct account making a total investment + taxes + the deposit that my friend made on account of the 5000usd, a total of 8215.95usd which they do not allow me to withdraw without first making the payment of the 5000usd (throughout the process they have requested payments and more payments, the account grew a lot and I decided not to make more payments since a lot of money was gone and this is really a scam since deposit and payment after payments will not allow me to make my withdrawal). I need help to get my money back please!!!

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


A continuacion quiero presentar mi caso, mediante un amigo accedi a este broker para realizar operaciones de mercado y bueno hice un primer desposito de 500usd entre ganancias y perdida, para recuperar mi amigo me ayudo con 500usd y eh iniciamos una operacion de mercado con 1802usd el cual genero un total de inversion inicial mas ganancias de 5550,68usd, desde ese momento empezo todo cuando solicite para retirar los fondos me rechaso, atencion al cliente indico que se debia hacer un pago de 20% de impuesto pague 1.111usd me rechaso nuevamente el retiro me undico que debia pagar otro impuesto del 30% el cual pague 1665usd nuevamente en mi intento de retiro me rechaso presente mi reclamo atencion al cliente y me dice que debo hacer un nuevo deposito de 5.000usd para poder retirar y que este ultimo impuesto no era necesario ya que en mi pais aun no esta regulado las monedas virtuales, solicite la devolucion solo me reembolsaron a la cuenta CICC pero no me permítio hacer el retiro y tampoco a cuenta de pago que seria lo mas logico, mi amigo trato de ayudarme con 1000usd que deposito a la cuenta CICC directo haciendo un total de inversion + impuestos + el deposito que hiso mi amigo a cuenta de los 5000usd un total de 8215.95usd el cual no me permiten retirarlos sin antes hacer el pago de los 5000usd (en todo el proceso han solicitado pagos y mas pagos, que la cuenta crecio bastante y desidi ya no hacer mas pagos ya que se fue muchicimo dinero y realmente esto es una estafa ya que deposito y pago tras pagos no me permitiran hacer mi retiro). necesito ayuda para recuperar mi dinero de vuelta por favor!!!

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