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2023-11-06 08:14 Released in Brazil Brazil

Unable to withdraw

I ended up falling for the scam, they always asked me for the money and I sent it because I made a wrong decision. They asked me for money to withdraw. They promised me that I would withdraw it. So I borrowed the money to pay them, but they didn't release the withdrawal. I have the money stuck for a year, 6612.80. I can't withdraw it.No one replied to me but I want my money. Give my money back.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


Acabei caindo no golpe sempre me pedido o dinheiro e eu mandado porque a apertei uma opção errada me pediram mas dinheiro pra recuperar me prometeram que eu retirar pedir o dinheiro emprestado não liberaram pediram mas eu ano tenho tô com o dinheiro preso 6612,80 preso não consigo retiram falo ninguém me responde mais quero meu dinheiro não façam isso devivolva meu dinheiro

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