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2023-11-07 01:31 Released in Japan Japan

I was deceived by the Sea Stock Investment Club and AMPI Trader Takamura and cannot withdraw my money.

When I first deposited 100,000 yen, I received a gift of 30,000 yen, and while receiving guidance on FX, I started receiving guidance on buying and selling crude oil and gold, but the difference in deposit amounted to 89 yen because I had made a mistake on October 4th. I was told that I had to put in 10,000 yen, but since it was mine and I wasn't being fined, I was free to go to work.I deposited 890,000 yen and started doing FX again, but I needed it for business. So when I say I want to withdraw money, I get a message saying, ``I can't withdraw money because I don't have enough credit points.'' Now, there are two ways to improve your credit score: 1. Increase the amount of time you continue to trade to improve your account's credit score. 2. If you want to improve faster, you can also improve your credit score by increasing your active deposits. For every $1340 of active deposits you deposit, the system will automatically give you 1 point. We will increase your credit score.If you raise your credit score to 85 points or higher, you will be able to avoid withdrawal screening obstacles and be able to successfully withdraw money.'' However, I would like to withdraw money before that happens. If so, I was told to pay taxes to the state and paid 30% of the funds. A friend told me about a search site for FX exchanges, and AMPI was a fake site with a score of 0.3 and the license was a clone. The score presented to me was 7.2. This is not only a case of not being able to withdraw money, but also a great scam. What should I do now? LINE has not been deleted from Yokoyama's Stock Sea Investment Club yet. When I sometimes go to check on the situation, I find that students who want to become VIP members deposit large sums of money, and recently more and more students are receiving dividends. I suspect that they are actually being exploited, and that they are giving them a reasonable amount of dividends. Beginners[d83d][dd30]It seems that many students, including groups, seniors, and VIPs, are aiming to be invited to the head office party by investing 50 million yen to 100 million yen. I'm worried that something terrible is going to happen. And what should I do next? Could someone please tell me how to solve the problem? The amount of money I have deposited now is $8673.12. I just checked and tried depositing and withdrawing this number, but for some reason it said there was an insufficient balance.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


1. アカウントの信用スコアを向上させるために、取引を継続して時間を増やすことができます。
2. より迅速に向上させたい場合、有効入金額を増やすことでも信用スコアを向上させることができます。有効入金額につき1340ドルを入金する毎に、システムは自動的に1ポイント信用スコアを増加させます。信用スコアを85ポイント以上に引き上げると、出金審査の障害を免れて正常に出金できるようになります。」と言われましたが、その前に出金したいのであれば国家に支払う税金を払えと言われ資金の30%を支払いました。

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