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2023-11-07 03:03 Released in Mozambique Mozambique

Unable to withdraw

They ask for 101 USDT for the keys, I deposited it. And the money was pending and they said I lost it. So I should deposit 250 for the withdrawal. I got into several scams when I was learning about cryptocurrencies. I lost a lot of money until I found this platform on YouTube. I hope to recover all the loss.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

incapaz de retirar

Eles pedem 101 USDT para as chaves, depositei, e o dinheiro ficou pendente e eles disseram que perdi, logo deverias depositar 250 para o saque. Entrei em vários golpes quando estava aprendendo acerca de cryptomoedas. Perdí muito dinheiro até que achei essa plataforma no youtube. Espero recuperar toda perda.

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