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2023-10-10 23:27 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Hu lured Weimiao students, investment in foreign exchange hosting brushes

Broker IB, leaving the staff Hu Wanliang, in order to earn a substantial commission, luring Weimiao students to invest in foreign exchange hosting, its core curriculum is to publicize the foreign exchange earnings high, low risk. He knew that the students do not understand at all, told students to make money do not need to learn on their own, so that we give the account to him and his team management. He asked us for the account password, not even an agreement contract. Hundreds of millions of funds by his escrow operation. A few months later, the students account huge losses, the principal is almost gone, and even only 10% left. The students were horrified, looking for other professional friends to help, found that it has malicious swiping, no strict risk control 。。。。


The following is the original recommendation

胡老师诱骗微淼学生 投资外汇托管刷单


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