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2023-10-06 04:39 Released in Ireland Ireland

Taxes, Margin, and then withdrawals are the only thing you don't get!

The website is This website wants you to pay taxes before withdrawing. Then it says that you are suspected of money laundering. You have to pay a security deposit. After you pay the bond, you will not pass the audit. You are still suspected of money laundering, so your account is frozen. If you want to unfreeze the account, you have to pay the thawing fee again. The customer service said that after unfreezing, you can withdraw cash unconditionally. I asked the customer why I can't withdraw the money now since there are no conditions. After the customer failed to answer, the customer only repeated that if you don't pay the money, you have the right to freeze your account permanently. The same answer was repeated over and over again. The customer service has no patience anymore.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation





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