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2023-10-05 09:04 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

IG Romance Scam, ST5Max, ST5pro

My good friend met a friend in early June in IG said financial data analysis, and then added line ~ line named jason ~ 1981, 5, 18 ~ called Lin Hanwen, divorced with his parents living in Xinbei Linkou, there is a daughter, in Xiamen and a friend to start a company, do the asset class, I think it is to open the fraudulent company, look at the chat record at the beginning of the chat are normal, will go along with your words with you the same rationale, and further said to relationship, to two people together for to work hard, not to give the video, because the ex-wife derailment is video was found, and the video is a very important part of the conversation. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to get the money you need, but I'm not sure if you're going to be able to get the money you need to get the money you need to get the money you need to get the money you need to get the money you need to get the money you need. That fraud said to help her with the money) suspected of illegal laundering before the type of money, she paid 100% of the third party deposit money as a deposit. The money said to help her out of the money is intercepted by the other side of the picture to her to go with customer service to say add money She said with customer service that there is no money to talk about later to pay, will say that there is a deadline, and then said ~ ~ will freeze your account, and your personal information will be transferred to the local relevant departments, all your accounts for control and verification. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to find the best way to get the most out of your account, but I'm sure you'll be able to find the best way to get the most out of your account, so I'm sure you'll be able to find the best way to get the most out of your account. I'm just trying to cheat you out of your money, so be careful, you can't get your money back once you've invested it in the platform (I think she's downloading ST5MAX and then connecting the app to unisnow).


The following is the original recommendation








(我看她是下載ST5MAX 再app連到unisnow)

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