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2023-09-27 22:38 Released in Iraq Iraq

The deal reached its target and was not closed

Peace be upon you. On September 25, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. Iraq time, I opened a deal on the AUDCHF. I placed a tick rehearsal and reached the goal, but the deal did not close after a while. I closed with a small loss, and then after I closed with a big loss, I wrote to the company and it did not compensate me, saying it was normal since the candles had been tampered with before. The company led to a lot of losses. Attachments are in the pictures. Here is the issue.


The following is the original recommendation

الصفقه وصلت الى لهدف ولم تغلق

السلام عليكم بتاريخ 2023/9/25 الساعه ثنيتن ونص بتوقيت ال عراق فتحت صفقه ع زوج ال ‏audchf ‎ ‎ ‎وقد ‏قمت ‏بوضع ‏التيك ‏بروفت ‏وصلت ‏الى ‏الهدف ‏ولم ‏لتغلق ‏الصفقه ‏بعد ‏وقت ‏غلقت ‏ع ‏خساره ‏قليله ‏ومن ‏ثم ‏بعد ‏غلقت ‏ع ‏خساره ‏كبيره ‏قمت ‏بمراسله ‏الشركه ‏ولم ‏تعوضني ‏تقول ‏الامر ‏طبيعي ‏حيت ‏تم ‏التلاعب ‏بالشموع ‏ ‏من ‏قبل ‏الشركه ‏وادت ‏الى ‏خساره ‏الكثير ‏المرفقات ‏في ‏الصور ‏ولكم ‏الامر ‏

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