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2023-09-27 20:13 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Data changes induce orders

On September 26, 2023, there was a huge fluctuation in the platform data. I successfully placed an order with full funds. Later, the platform said that the system data error restored the order that was previously closed in the account. The position changed and orders placed due to data errors were not processed. I have been trying to communicate with customer service to no avail.


The following is the original recommendation


2023年9月26日  平台数据出现特大波动,本人在满仓资金下下单成功,后来平台说系统数据错误恢复了账户之前平掉的单子,仓位发生变化然后因为数据错误下的订单不予处理,一直找客服沟通无果,

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