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2023-09-20 10:41 Released in Colombia Colombia

don't allow me to withdraw my money

Good evening, have a treat, almost a month ago I opened an account at Brokers Apolo Trading, which had constant calls from them, I agreed to invest since they promised me certain percentages of profits and advice all day, first It took a long time for the money to be reflected on the platform, the truth is I was worried, then my money was reflected, then I spoke with the advisor and he told me to invest more because he advised people who invested a lot of money, then he started with the crazy I had the idea that I should invest a million dollars, then he insisted on depositing at least a thousand dollars, in the end, he just told me that he could help me with something, which seemed unfair to me because they told me that no matter what I invested, it was always my duty to help me. On the other hand, another person asked me for papers papers and did not verify me, he wrote to me every three to five days just so that I would send him more papers, I told him that the advisor treated me very badly and that he did not call me or write to me and to please give me my money back, and she told me to talk to the advisor, which he didn't even attend to me, so time passed, I verified my account but still, they didn't assist me, nor did they let me withdraw my money, the advisor It doesn't help me and I have looked for a way to recover my money, the investment was 200 dollars, 854 thousand Colombian pesos, I deposited them in cash and I still keep the invoice from that day.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

no me dejar que retire mi dinero

buenas noches, tenga un gusto usted, hace casi un mes abri una cuen en el Brokers Apolo Trading, el cual tenian una constante llamada de parte de ellos, acepte a invertir ya que me prometian ciertos porcentajes de ganancias y asesoramientos todo lo dia, primero tardaron mucho en que se reflejara el dinero en la plataforma la verda me preucupo, luego fue que se reflejo mi dinero, luego hable con el asesor y me decia que invirtiera mas porque el asesoraba a personas que invertian mucho dinero, luego empezo con la loca idea que invirtiera un millon de dolares, despues se empeño en depositar minimo mil dolares, al fin solo me digo que me podria ayudar en algo lo cual me parecio injusto porque me dijeron que no importa lo que invirtiera que a mi siempre el deber era ayudarme, por otro lado, otra persona me pedia papeles y papeles y no me verificaba, me escribia cada tres a cinco dia solo para que le enviara mas papeles, yo le decia que el asesor me trataba muy mal y que no me llamaba ni me escribia y que por favor me devolviera mi dinero, y ella me decia que hablara con el asesor cosa que ni el me atendia, asi pase el tiempo, me verifico la cuenta pero igual, ni me atienden, ni me dejan sacar mi dinero, el asesor no me ayuda y he buscado la forma de recuperar mi dinero, la inversion fue de 200 dolares, 854 mil pesos colombianos, los deposite en efecty y todacvia guardo la factura dese aquel dia

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