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2023-09-18 09:41
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
EightCap forcibly deducted my funds, resulting in liquidation
EightCap EightCap








2023-11-11 09:15
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-10-12 08:52


Dear customer, please send the information including trading account, order number, and brief description of your problem to via your registered email, with the title of Trading Investigation Application, for further investigation, if you have a problem about your order. We’ll reply in 3-10 working days. Thank you for the understanding and support.

2023-09-18 13:42
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Contact Broker

2023-09-18 10:45
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


2023-09-18 09:41
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Start Mediation

My name is Wang Dongliang, and my two trading accounts at Eightcap are 80002892 and 862527. My account number 862527 held a very high position on April 10, 2023. Eightcap did not automatically close the order in a timely manner in accordance with the customer agreement. As a result, my account balance was -$8,278.44 when the position was finally closed. On May 1, 2023, Eightcap forcibly transferred US$8,278.44 in my account 80002892 to another of my negative balance accounts, 862527. As a result, all orders in my account 80002892 were forcibly closed the next day due to insufficient margin. Eightcap's behavior on May 1, 2023 was at fault, so I only admit the bills on and before April 30, 2023. The net value of my account 80002892 on April 30, 2023 is US$16,466.72, so Eightcap should pay me $16,466.72. Eightcap only promised to compensate me US$8,278.44, which is unreasonable. Request the platform to immediately compensate me US$16,466.72!


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