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2023-09-07 04:20 Released in Colombia Colombia

Inability to withdraw | Validus Colombia

I acquired an account with Validus in December 2022, but now they have disabled withdrawals. I urgently need to recover my investment and the promised profits. They do not give a reason for how to make these withdrawals. The last information I had from the person who referred me was that we should wait until the 15 months of the license were up. There are also no clear instructions on how to make withdrawals.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

Incapacidad de retiro| Validus Colombia

He adquirido una cuenta con Validus desde diciembre de 2022, pero ahora han deshabilitado los retiros y me urge recuperar mi inversión y las utilidades prometidas. No dan razón de como efectuar estos retiros la última información que tuve de la persona que me refirió era que debíamos esperar hasta que se cumplieran los 15 meses de licencia. Tampoco hay instrucciones claras de como efectuar los retiros

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