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2023-09-04 23:44
 China Taiwan China Taiwan
As long as you invest 10,000, you can make hundreds of thousands of profits. Engineers say you can achieve profits
Land-FX Land-FX








2023-10-21 09:45
 China Taiwan China Taiwan
2023-09-21 09:36


The problem has been dealt with following a communication.

2023-09-05 10:34
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Contact Broker

2023-09-05 08:47
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


2023-09-04 23:44
 China Taiwan China Taiwan

Start Mediation

My first investment was 10,000. They told me to register as a member of the website and contact customer service. The customer service provided me with a remittance account number, and then I contacted the engineer to follow the steps. The whole process takes about 30 to 90 minutes to complete, and I will show you the profit after the operation (about 100,000 yuan). Then it was originally said that I could withdraw money, but later the customer service said that I had not signed up for the event, so I could not withdraw money. I contacted the engineer again and said that he would reinvest in the second phase of the operation, and the profit could reach 750,000, which would be given to me together with the profit from the first phase. I was a bit skeptical but remitted a second sum of 10,000 to the other party (different account), and the customer service replied to me in the same way.


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