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2023-09-03 01:27 Released in Colombia Colombia

It won't let me withdraw my investment

I went to work with them, as you can see in the photos, they never told me anything about what could happen or that I had to pay taxes, that if I was late with the order my account would be closed, they only asked for more money to be able to solve it first, I invested 20 thousand later. 260,000 thousand then 420,000 then 1,700,000 thousand I completed the order and it didn't let me withdraw my money because I had to pay taxes I sent the tax money which was 1,450,000 now they came out saying I couldn't withdraw because I was delayed with the order and I had to send 1,500,000 more to open the account when I started they never asked me for money to open the account now if I ask them to please help me I have 3,950.00 invested thank you very much.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

No me deja retirar mi inversión

Entre a trabajar con ellos así como pueden ver en las fotos nunca me dijeron nada de lo q podía pasar ni q tenía q pagar impuestos q si me demoraba con el pedido se me cerraba la cuenta solo piden más dinero para poder solucionar primero inverti 20mil después 260.000mil después 420.000 después 1.700.000mil complete el pedido y no me dejó retirar mi dinero por q tenía q pagar impuestos mandé el dinero de los impuestos q fueron 1.450.000 ahora salieron con q no podía retirar por q me demore con el pedido y q tenía q mandar 1.500.000 más para abrir la cuenta cuando yo empecé nunca me pidieron dinero para abrir la cuenta ahora q si les pido q por favor me puedan ayudar tengo invertido 3.950.00 muchas gracias

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