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2023-09-01 06:34 Released in Ecuador Ecuador

They don't want to give me my money

Good afternoon, friend, I would like you to please help me with this Go4rex platform that does not want to hand over the money that I deposited on 08/24/2023, It deceives people that you can invest with no more than $100 and then it comes out that no, you have to be with $500 and it is so that one falls like a fool. Thank you for helping me with that. $100 is a lot for me, all I bother with is to go out to work and make $100 is 4 days of work for Let another person take it in 5 minutes, scamming you, okay, it's not fair. I ask you to please help me, okay, I still haven't given up, friend.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

No me quieren entregar mi dinero

Buenas tarde amigo quisiera que por favor me ayude con esta plataforma Go4rex que no quiere entregar mi dinero que le deposite el 24/08/2023 engaña a la gente con eso que puede invertir con 100$ no más y después sale que no que tiene que ser con 500$ y es para que uno caiga como tonto amigo le agradezco que x favor me ayude con eso amigo si 100$ para mí es mucho todo lo que yo me jodo para salir a trabajar y hacer 100$ son 4 día de trabajo para que otra persona se lo lleve en 5 minutos estafando a uno vale no es justo vale le pido que por favor ayúdeme vale que todavía no me doy x vencido que los perdí amigo

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