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2023-08-28 02:33 Released in Mexico Mexico

They don't allow me to withdraw my money, they ask me for 10,500

In February I started investing with them. At first they took good care of me, and I was able to make withdrawals, since I requested a total withdrawal they have been asking me for more and more money every day. When I deposit it they tell me that it is not enough, the latter maybe they are asking me for 10,500 dollars to be able to make the withdrawal. I have requested several loans to cover their demands, obviously I have no way of getting more, the cards are at the top of loans and I am in many debts due to their demands. I already told you I commented that even if it is they will return my capital and they say that as long as I don't deposit they will not give me anything. I request urgent help please, I am already very desperate and stressed. I am an elderly person and they have all my savings, so please help me!!!!

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

No me permiten retirar mi dinero, me piden 10,500

En febrero empecé a invertir con ellos, en un principio me atendieron bien, pude hacer retiros, a partir de que solicite retiro total me han estado solicitando cada día más y más dinero, cuando se los deposito me dicen que no es suficiente, esta última vez me están pidiendo10,500 dólares para poder hacer el retiro, he pedido varios préstamos para cubrir sus demandas, obvio ya no tengo manera de conseguir más, las tarjetas están hasta el tope de préstamos y estoy con muchas deudas por sus exigencias, ya les comenté que aún que sea me regresen mi capital y dicen que mientras no les deposite no me van a dar nada, solicito ayuda urgente por favor, ya estoy muy desesperada y estresada, soy una persona de la tercera edad y tienen todos mis ahorros, por favor ayúdenme!!!!

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