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2023-08-20 13:15
Unable to withdraw money, platform fraud
Ec Markets Ec Markets

Unable to withdraw







2023-10-06 09:02
2023-09-06 08:36


The account is interest free. And the customer used the account to carry out arbitrage trading with different platforms, violating the usage rule of interest free account. So we disabled the customer's account, deducted the profits from illegal arbitrage transaction orders, and refunded his principal. The customer accepted it. So far his principal has been withdrawn.

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2023-08-21 10:14
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Contact Broker

2023-08-21 08:20
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


2023-08-20 13:15

Start Mediation

First of all, let me tell you the situation. I, Fan Jichun, opened an account and deposited funds on the EC platform. In July, I deposited a total of 5,000 US dollars in account opening and deposits. I operated 6 multiple orders and made a profit of 5,000 US dollars. The platform judged it as a poisonous order flow. At present, the platform is only willing to pay the principal, not the profit. I applied for a withdrawal on July 27th, and until August 20th, no withdrawal has been made to my account. This is a base case of mine! The platform has been using fake accounts to defraud, and it is still defrauding. Below I put the deposit and withdrawal evidence below.


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