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2023-08-15 17:36 Released in Spain Spain

Unable to Withdraw since march 2023

I got into this broker in 08/2022 due to a (look like) pyramidal scam through Bydzyne, they collab with FxBitCapital, and it was charging a "broker operative fee" monthly per 5 months, with no results... After all this,  I decided to withdraw my money on March 2nd, 2023 but today I am still waiting to get my money, it is still "on hold". I've been getting messages from Fxbitcapital telling me that in 20 days it will deliver the withdrawal request... And every month or so they send a new email telling it will last longer and longer... Already 2 months receiving marketing emails with no clear explanation and no trustful date. Now Fxbitcapital says they will request a form to process the withdrawal... but no info about any form. I haven't received anything from them, just random mailing giving more time on hold for this withdrawal.  How can I recover this?

Unable to withdraw
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