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2023-07-31 21:51
 China Taiwan China Taiwan
Unable to withdraw money

Unable to withdraw







2023-09-15 14:32
 China Taiwan China Taiwan
2023-08-16 14:06


Please contact official customer service for help.

2023-08-01 19:34
 China Taiwan China Taiwan

Supplemental Materials

They told me to offer the image with ID card, and now require me to pay money.

2023-08-01 12:18
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Contact Broker

2023-08-01 10:22
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


2023-07-31 21:51
 China Taiwan China Taiwan

Start Mediation

I met a female netizen from Tantan, and knew that she was doing foreign exchange. I was very curious, so I followed the operation of 100,000 yuan. After earning a small amount of money, she taught me to withdraw more than 5,000 yuan. I later deposited another 200,000 for trading. I don't put any more money into it until the customer service of BitTorrent contacted and said to provide the platform information (I would have to continue to lose money). I will try to withdraw money again. However, it was warned as a risk account, and it said that for the safety of your account funds, no withdrawals will be made.


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