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2023-07-15 21:40 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

Didn't alow withdraw, and always asked me to pay a security deposit before I could get the money.

I wanted to withdraw, but they kept saying that in order to prevent theft and the money laundering law of the financial order, I needed to pay a security deposit before I could get the money. They also said that if I didn’t pay the security deposit within the time limit, the department would confiscate my money.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

不給出金 一直要我先付保證金才能將錢領出

要將錢領出 一直說甚麼為了防止盜領以及金融秩序洗錢法要求我先付保證金才能將錢領出 還說期限內不付保證金 部門沒收我的錢

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