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2023-07-13 11:28
IC Markets robbed ultra-high net clients, worth of $436,668.
IC Markets IC Markets

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2023-09-09 09:32
2023-08-10 09:08


Dear customer, please send the information including trading account, order number, and simple description of your problem to with your registered email, entitled Trading Investigation Application, for further investigation, if you have a problem about your order. We expect to reply to you in 3-10 working days. Thank you for the understanding and support.

2023-07-18 13:02

Supplemental Materials

They violated the regulation. ASIC has dispatched the case manager.

2023-07-14 10:57
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

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2023-07-14 08:23
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


2023-07-13 11:28

Start Mediation

IC Markets robbed ultra-high net clients worth of $436,668. I am a VIP customer of IC in Asia. Over the past few years, I have deposited over $10 million with IC MAREKTS. I am one of the few high net worth clients with substantial capital. I have always believed that IC MARKETS is a very fair company. I am the trading champion of the FOLLOW ME trading competition for three consecutive times! Also a well-known investor in the market! On June 7 this year, IC MAREKTS deducted 436,668 USD from my 5 accounts, the money for this set to buy a house! They then claimed that their US2000 had a setup error between March 8, 2023 and May 15, 2023. I simply cannot accept this statement. Their mistakes should not be my responsibility. I view and trade according to the MT4 value announced by IC every day. If we can't trust the rules published on MT4 as a standard, then what else can we investors trust? If I had taken a different direction today and they charged me more interest, I am sure they would not have compensated me. IC has a lot of products on the market that aren't the best, and they haven't compensated me for overnight charges I've undercharged over the years. Why did they suddenly say there was an error with US2000 and debited a huge amount from my account? Is it because I started winning a lot of money this year? ASIC has taken up the case and has given until 11 July for IC Compliance to respond. I consulted an Australian lawyer and they believed that the IC was against the law. I found on the site that some small investors have received the money, but so far they haven't processed my large fee. I know that many investors have encountered this problem, and recently I have heard a lot about IC deducting commissions from agents and so on. Has IC MAREKTS become a black platform? Are they deducting these fees randomly? I hope they don't do this, otherwise, I will expose this misconduct to global investors and warn them to stay away from IC MAREKTS so they don't get hurt. Please return my $436,668 property to me ASAP! Please return my $436,668 property to me ASAP! Please return my $436,668 property to me ASAP!


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