Global Broker governance & inquiry App
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2023-07-11 10:24
Mexico Mexico
IC Markets IC Markets








2023-09-08 17:02
Mexico Mexico
2023-08-09 16:51


Dear customer, please send the information including trading account, order number, and simple description of your problem to with your registered email, entitled Trading Investigation Application, for further investigation, if you have a problem about your order. We’ll reply in 3-10 working days. Thank you for the understanding and support.

2023-08-02 18:40
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


Dear customer, can you please provide the related screenshots including MT4 account for further investigation?

2023-07-11 15:58
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Contact Broker

2023-07-11 13:46
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


2023-07-11 10:24
Mexico Mexico

Start Mediation

I was deceived by a company of crock brokers, who pose as a professional company, but it turns out that they are pure scammers and liars who steal, I'm sorry to all, that as a child I was sweetened with beautiful words so that I would make two deposits and that I was going to withdraw 50% of profits and I did. I feel very bad because I currently don't have a job, I have 3 children to help and a baby that is just about to be born and they already took my small savings from this CIE marketing, the amount is one that was $1199.42 on July 8, 2023 and another on July 10, 2023 for the amount of $1299.73. Someone who can help me get my money back or any advice I should do. I have children to help. I will never do this with bitcoins, pure scams.


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