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2023-06-20 09:49
Without this quotation, the order was closed, resulting in losses.
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2023-06-20 13:05
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2023-06-20 10:34
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2023-06-20 09:49

Start Mediation

On the 6th, I broke through multiple orders with a high price of 1981.5, which is around 2.5 points higher than the current price at that time. The announcement of bearish data indicates that the gold point is open low, while the long downward trend of the K-line leads to a bearish outlook. And my order closed at a price higher than the listed price. After the transaction, it explodes in seconds. I checked and found out that the price quoted in 1980 was not as high as 1981.74, so I don't know how the transaction was made. After contacting customer service for a few days, the answer was that the floating point has reached this price level. If you take a look at the above pictures, you will understand. Figure 4 is the price chart of his website at that time. At that time, his highest price was 1979.43, and my order was sold several points higher than 1981.74. The customer service did not provide a quotation table, but only asked me to check the transaction table 1. They said that table 1 is a quotation table, that is, why there is no selling price in the quotation table, only the buying price. The order lost $1060.80, and I personally lost $599.02. The account was negative at 461.78 yuan and only returned to zero after more than a week. The Yixin platform does not have sufficient evidence and reasons to indicate that this order is normal. So I request the platform to compensate me for my losses.


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